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  11. Tlaxcala


Tlaxcala Localisation : Country Mexico, State Tlaxcala.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Nanacamilpa de Mariano Arista, Papalotla and Totolac.


Find all the information of Tlaxcala or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Tlaxcala Administration

Tlaxcala Code033
Tlaxcala Post code90000
Tlaxcala MayorAnabell Avalos Zempoalteca

Tlaxcala Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Tlaxcala? Here are all the details of Tlaxcala available below.

Tlaxcala Postal addressPortal Hidalgo # 6, Centro
C.P. 90000 Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala
Tlaxcala Phone number246 462 0014
International: +52 246 462 0014
Tlaxcala Email address[email protected]
Tlaxcala Websitewww.mpiotlaxcala.net.mx
Other informationMunicipios de México : Tlaxcala
Tlaxcala Birth certificate, Tlaxcala Death certificate

Tlaxcala Demography

Information on the people and the population of Tlaxcala.

Tlaxcala Population95,051 inhabitants
Tlaxcala Population Density2,284.3 /km² (5,916.4 /sq mi)

Tlaxcala Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Tlaxcala.

Tlaxcala Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 19.3122, Longitude: -98.2394
19° 18′ 44″ North, 98° 14′ 22″ West
Tlaxcala Area4,161 hectares
41.61 km² (16.07 sq mi)
Tlaxcala Altitude2,238 m (7,342 ft)
Tlaxcala ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwb)

Tlaxcala Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Tlaxcala and the biggest cities of Mexico.

Mexico City 95 kmEcatepec de Morelos 92 kmTijuana 2383 km
León 412 kmPuebla 30 km closestGuadalajara 555 km
Juárez 1610 kmZapopan 562 kmMonterrey 739 km
Nextlalpan 98 kmMexicali 2267 kmCuliacán 1128 km

Tlaxcala Map

Locate simply the city of Tlaxcala through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Tlaxcala Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Tlaxcala has international agreements with its different pairings.

Tlaxcala Zone

Time zone of Tlaxcala.

Tlaxcala Local time
Tlaxcala Time zoneUTC -6:00 (America/Mexico_City)
Summer time UTC -5:00
Winter time UTC -6:00

Tlaxcala Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Tlaxcala.

Tlaxcala Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Tlaxcala.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
16 February14:00 - 19:46 - 01:3313:38 - 01:5513:12 - 02:21 12:46 - 02:47
17 February13:59 - 19:46 - 01:3313:37 - 01:5613:11 - 02:21 12:46 - 02:47
18 February13:59 - 19:46 - 01:3413:37 - 01:5613:11 - 02:22 12:45 - 02:47
19 February13:58 - 19:46 - 01:3413:36 - 01:5613:10 - 02:22 12:45 - 02:48
20 February13:57 - 19:46 - 01:3513:35 - 01:5713:10 - 02:23 12:44 - 02:48
21 February13:57 - 19:46 - 01:3513:35 - 01:5713:09 - 02:23 12:43 - 02:48
22 February13:56 - 19:46 - 01:3513:34 - 01:5813:08 - 02:23 12:43 - 02:49

Tlaxcala Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Tlaxcala classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Quinta San ClementeQuinta San Clemente
Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl
Set in attractive gardens, Quinta San Clemente features a restaurant and free Wi-Fi. This stylish hotel is located less than 1 km from the centre of Tlaxcala and next to Independencia Motorway... view more
$US 40
Hotel Hotel Posada San Francisco TlaxcalaHotel Posada San Francisco Tlaxcala

Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl
This hotel is located in Tlaxcala’s historic centre and 5 km from Plaza de Toros la Tlaxcala bullring. It features spacious rooms, free Wi-Fi and an outdoor pool... view more
$US 67
Hotel Hotel Boutique Posada la Casona de CortésHotel Boutique Posada la Casona de Cortés

Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl
Located in the centre of Tlaxcala, Hotel Boutique Posada La Casona de Cortés is a bright, attractive villa surrounded by gardens. It offers free parking, a restaurant and charming rooms with free Wi-Fi... view more
$US 61
Hotel Real TlaxcalaReal Tlaxcala

Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl
Real Tlaxcala is a 5-minute drive from Tlaxcala city centre and 2 km from Tlaxcala Convention Centre. The hotel offers 24-hour reception, free Wi-Fi and free parking... view more
$US 32
Hotel Hotel Cancalli Business & SuitesHotel Cancalli Business & Suites

Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl
Set in central Tlaxcala, Hotel Cancalli Business & Suites is a property that offers its guests free telephone calls and free breakfast for one guest. The rooms have carpeted floors and all include flat-screen cable TV, a desk and free toiletries... view more
$US 59
More Hotels »

Tlaxcala Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Tlaxcala and its surroundings.

Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala 2 kmJardín Botánico Tizatlán 3.1 kmZona Arqueológica Tizatlán 3.4 km
Tizatlán 3.4 kmCerro Blanco 3.5 kmCerro Tlaxicoatl 3.7 km
Cerro Cuautzi 3.9 kmCerro Ostol 4.2 kmCerro Popocatl 4.4 km
Cerro El Fuerte 4.6 kmCerro Tepepan 4.7 kmEstación Santa Ana 4.8 km
Zona Industrial Xaxala 5.2 kmLoma San Matías 5.2 kmUniversidad Pedagógica Nacional 5.2 km
Cerro Celica 5.3 kmCerro Cenizo 6.3 kmCerro Zompilteca 6.5 km
Cerro Tepozo 6.6 kmCerro Santa Bárbara 6.6 kmCerro Techaghal 6.7 km
La Pedrera 7.2 kmCerro La Pedrera 7.2 kmCerro Chilapeñohtla 7.6 km
Chilapeñohtla 7.6 kmCerro Chicapaxtla 7.6 kmSubstación Eléctrica Atlihuetza 7.7 km
Cerro Hueyactepec 7.8 kmCerro El Calvario 7.8 kmEl Calvario 7.8 km

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