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Ölgii Localisation : Country Mongolia, Province Bayan-Ölgii.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ölgii and Bugat.


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Ölgii Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ölgii.

Ölgii Population28,496 inhabitants
Ölgii Population Density1,899.7 /km² (4,920.3 /sq mi)

Ölgii Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ölgii.

Ölgii Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 48.9656, Longitude: 89.9632
48° 57′ 56″ North, 89° 57′ 48″ East
Ölgii Area1,500 hectares
15.00 km² (5.79 sq mi)
Ölgii Altitude1,723 m (5,653 ft)
Ölgii ClimateSemi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSk)

Ölgii Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ölgii and the biggest cities of Mongolia.

Ulan Bator 1255 kmDarkhan 1162 kmBayan-Öndör 1027 km
Uliastai 527 kmArvaikheer 1006 kmSainshand 1594 km
Dalanzadgad 1262 kmBaruun-Urt 1754 kmBulgan 992 km
Tsengel 60 km closestErdenedalai 1172 kmIkh-Uul 647 km

Ölgii Map

Locate simply the city of Ölgii through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ölgii Nearby cities and villages

Ölgii 0.2 kmBugat 4.6 km

Ölgii Zone

Time zone of Ölgii.

Ölgii Local time
Ölgii Time zoneUTC +7:00 (Asia/Hovd)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Ölgii Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ölgii.

Ölgii Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ölgii.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
30 March00:41 - 08:04 - 14:2700:09 - 14:5923:31 - 15:37 22:51 - 16:17
31 March01:39 - 08:04 - 14:2901:07 - 15:0100:29 - 15:39 23:48 - 16:19
1 April01:37 - 08:04 - 14:3001:05 - 15:0200:26 - 15:41 23:46 - 16:21
2 April01:35 - 08:03 - 14:3201:03 - 15:0400:24 - 15:42 23:43 - 16:23
3 April01:33 - 08:03 - 14:3301:01 - 15:0500:22 - 15:44 23:41 - 16:25
4 April01:31 - 08:03 - 14:3500:58 - 15:0700:19 - 15:46 23:38 - 16:27
5 April01:28 - 08:02 - 14:3600:56 - 15:0800:17 - 15:48 23:35 - 16:29

Ölgii Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ölgii classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel New West HotelNew West Hotel

Boasting a top-rated restaurant, mini golf and massage facilities, New West Hotel is located only a 5-minute drive from Ulaanbaatar Railway Station‎. Free Wi-Fi is provided throughout the property. New West hotel is 4... view more
$US 85
Hotel Best Western Gobi's KelsoBest Western Gobi's Kelso
Just a 5-minute walk from Ulaanbaatar Railway Station, Best Western Gobi's Kelso features accommodation with free Wi-Fi. It offers a tour desk that plans travel arrangements. Airport shuttle is provided... view more
$US 71
Hotel White House HotelWhite House Hotel

A 15-minute walk from Ulaanbaatar Opera House, White House Hotel offers elegant accommodation with free Wi-Fi access. Ulaanbaatar Railway Station is a 10-minute drive away... view more
$US 100
Hotel Ramada Ulaanbaatar CitycenterRamada Ulaanbaatar Citycenter

Boasting a spa and wellness centre, fitness centre and gourmet cuisine across 2 stylish restaurant and bar, the 4-star Ramada Ulaanbaatar Citycenter is located in the city centre of Ulaanbaatar. Free Wi-Fi is provided in the entire property... view more
$US 117
Hotel Puma Imperial HotelPuma Imperial Hotel

Located in the heart of Ulaanbaatar city, Puma Imperial Hotel is surrounded by National Historical Museum, Natural History Museum, Science Cultural Centre and Central Post Office. It offers several meeting rooms and accommodation and 3 dining..... view more
$US 61
More Hotels »

Ölgii Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ölgii and its surroundings.

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