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Sainshand Localisation : Country Mongolia, Province Dornogovi.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area and Hotel.


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Sainshand Demography

Information on the people and the population of Sainshand.

Sainshand Population19,891 inhabitants
Sainshand Population Density8.6 /km² (22.4 /sq mi)

Sainshand Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Sainshand.

Sainshand Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 44.8917, Longitude: 110.137
44° 53′ 30″ North, 110° 8′ 13″ East
Sainshand Area230,000 hectares
2,300.00 km² (888.03 sq mi)
Sainshand Altitude969 m (3,179 ft)
Sainshand ClimateArid (Köppen climate classification: BWk)

Sainshand Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Sainshand and the biggest cities of Mongolia.

Ulan Bator 418 kmDarkhan 600 kmBayan-Öndör 652 km
Ölgii 1594 kmUliastai 1069 kmArvaikheer 593 km
Dalanzadgad 479 kmBaruun-Urt 315 km closestBulgan 665 km
Tsengel 1653 kmErdenedalai 424 kmIkh-Uul 962 km

Sainshand Map

Locate simply the city of Sainshand through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Sainshand Zone

Time zone of Sainshand.

Sainshand Local time
Sainshand Time zoneUTC +8:00 (Asia/Ulaanbaatar)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Sainshand Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Sainshand.

Sainshand Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Sainshand.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
27 March23:29 - 05:44 - 12:0022:59 - 12:2922:25 - 13:04 21:49 - 13:40
28 March23:27 - 05:44 - 12:0122:58 - 12:3022:23 - 13:05 21:47 - 13:41
29 March23:25 - 05:44 - 12:0222:56 - 12:3222:21 - 13:07 21:44 - 13:43
30 March23:23 - 06:43 - 13:0422:54 - 13:3322:19 - 14:08 21:42 - 14:45
31 March00:21 - 06:43 - 13:0523:52 - 13:3423:17 - 14:10 22:40 - 14:46
1 April00:19 - 06:43 - 13:0623:50 - 13:3623:15 - 14:11 22:38 - 14:48
2 April00:18 - 06:43 - 13:0723:48 - 13:3723:13 - 14:12 22:36 - 14:49

Sainshand Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Sainshand classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Sunjin Grand HotelSunjin Grand Hotel

Located just beside Mongolia International University, the luxurious Sunjin Grand Hotel boasts a wellness centre, karaoke facilities and a hot tub. The 4-star upscale rooms come with a coffee machine and free wireless internet... view more
$US 80
Hotel Royal House HotelRoyal House Hotel

Offering free Wi-Fi in all areas, Royal House Hotel is 2.2 km from Sukhbaatar Square and 2.3 km from National Museum of Mongolian History. It offers recreational facilities including hot tub, karaoke and sauna. Royal House Hotel is 2... view more
$US 56
Hotel Park HotelPark Hotel

Offering free Wi-Fi in the guestrooms, Park Hotel features a spa and wellness centre, a billiard room and banquet facilities. Surrounded by universities and schools, it is a 10-minute drive from Sukhbaatar Square and Parliament of Mongolia... view more
$US 80
Hotel Kempinski Hotel Khan PalaceKempinski Hotel Khan Palace

Kempinski Hotel Khan Palace is a 5-minute drive from the Statue of Genghis Khan in the city centre. The 5-star luxurious hotel features a well-equipped fitness centre and elegant rooms with free wired internet... view more
$US 125
Hotel Kaiser HotelKaiser Hotel

Located at the central area of Ulaanbaatar, Kaiser Hotel is an 8-minute walking away from Parliament House of Mongolia and Sukhbaatar Square. Renovated in April 2013, it provides homely accommodation with free Wi-Fi in all areas... view more
$US 50
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Sainshand Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Sainshand and its surroundings.

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  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Zone
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  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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