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  11. Bayan-Öndör


Bayan-Öndör Localisation : Country Mongolia, Province Orkhon.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude and Hotel.


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Bayan-Öndör Demography

Information on the people and the population of Bayan-Öndör.

Bayan-Öndör Population97,814 inhabitants

Bayan-Öndör Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Bayan-Öndör.

Bayan-Öndör Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 49.0278, Longitude: 104.044
49° 1′ 40″ North, 104° 2′ 38″ East
Bayan-Öndör Altitude1,366 m (4,482 ft)
Bayan-Öndör ClimateSubarctic climate (Köppen climate classification: Dwc)

Bayan-Öndör Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Bayan-Öndör and the biggest cities of Mongolia.

Ulan Bator 245 kmDarkhan 147 kmÖlgii 1027 km
Uliastai 551 kmArvaikheer 322 kmSainshand 652 km
Dalanzadgad 608 kmBaruun-Urt 737 kmBulgan 44 km closest
Tsengel 1087 kmErdenedalai 343 kmIkh-Uul 386 km

Bayan-Öndör Map

Locate simply the city of Bayan-Öndör through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Bayan-Öndör Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Bayan-Öndör has international agreements with its different pairings.

Bayan-Öndör Zone

Time zone of Bayan-Öndör.

Bayan-Öndör Local time
Bayan-Öndör Time zoneUTC +8:00 (Asia/Ulaanbaatar)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Bayan-Öndör Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Bayan-Öndör.

Bayan-Öndör Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Bayan-Öndör.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
24 March23:57 - 06:10 - 12:2223:26 - 12:5322:48 - 13:31 22:09 - 14:10
25 March23:55 - 06:09 - 12:2323:24 - 12:5522:46 - 13:33 22:07 - 14:12
26 March23:53 - 06:09 - 12:2523:21 - 12:5722:44 - 13:34 22:04 - 14:14
27 March23:51 - 06:09 - 12:2623:19 - 12:5822:41 - 13:36 22:02 - 14:16
28 March23:49 - 06:08 - 12:2823:17 - 13:0022:39 - 13:38 21:59 - 14:18
29 March23:47 - 06:08 - 12:2923:15 - 13:0122:37 - 13:39 21:57 - 14:19
30 March23:45 - 07:08 - 13:3123:13 - 14:0322:35 - 14:41 21:54 - 15:21

Bayan-Öndör Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Bayan-Öndör classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel New West HotelNew West Hotel

Boasting a top-rated restaurant, mini golf and massage facilities, New West Hotel is located only a 5-minute drive from Ulaanbaatar Railway Station‎. Free Wi-Fi is provided throughout the property. New West hotel is 4... view more
$US 85
Hotel Best Western Gobi's KelsoBest Western Gobi's Kelso
Just a 5-minute walk from Ulaanbaatar Railway Station, Best Western Gobi's Kelso features accommodation with free Wi-Fi. It offers a tour desk that plans travel arrangements. Airport shuttle is provided... view more
$US 71
Hotel White House HotelWhite House Hotel

A 15-minute walk from Ulaanbaatar Opera House, White House Hotel offers elegant accommodation with free Wi-Fi access. Ulaanbaatar Railway Station is a 10-minute drive away... view more
$US 100
Hotel Ramada Ulaanbaatar CitycenterRamada Ulaanbaatar Citycenter

Boasting a spa and wellness centre, fitness centre and gourmet cuisine across 2 stylish restaurant and bar, the 4-star Ramada Ulaanbaatar Citycenter is located in the city centre of Ulaanbaatar. Free Wi-Fi is provided in the entire property... view more
$US 117
Hotel New World PlazaNew World Plaza

Only a 5-minute stroll from Dashchoilin Monastery, New World Plaza offers simply-furnished guest rooms. It features a business centre with meeting and banquet facilities and a spa centre with soothing massage and relaxing sauna... view more
$US 59
More Hotels »

Bayan-Öndör Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Bayan-Öndör and its surroundings.

Bayan-Öndör Page

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DB-City.comBayan-Öndör 4.3/5 (2022-01-09 11:36:29)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page