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  11. Oranjestad


Oranjestad Localisation : Country Netherlands, State Aruba.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Madiki, Ponton and Wayaca.


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Oranjestad Demography

Information on the people and the population of Oranjestad.

Oranjestad Population33,000 inhabitants
Oranjestad Population Density1,434.8 /km² (3,716.1 /sq mi)

Oranjestad Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Oranjestad.

Oranjestad Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 12.519, Longitude: -70.037
12° 31′ 8″ North, 70° 2′ 13″ West
Oranjestad Area2,300 hectares
23.00 km² (8.88 sq mi)
Oranjestad Altitude19 m (62 ft)
Oranjestad ClimateSemi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSh)

Oranjestad Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Oranjestad and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 7896 kmRotterdam 7864 kmThe Hague 7855 km closest
Utrecht 7910 kmEindhoven 7930 kmTilburg 7904 km
Almere 7918 kmGroningen 8015 kmBreda 7882 km
Nijmegen 7959 kmEnschede 8031 kmApeldoorn 7968 km

Oranjestad Map

Locate simply the city of Oranjestad through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Oranjestad Nearby cities and villages

Madiki 1.1 kmPonton 1.7 kmWayaca 3.4 km
Bubali 3.5 kmPiedra Plat 4.7 kmNoord 5.7 km
Santa Cruz 7.9 kmMalmok 8.9 kmAngochi 9.5 km
Pos Chikitu 9.6 kmBrasil 14.1 kmSavaneta 14.2 km

Oranjestad Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Oranjestad has international agreements with its different pairings.

Oranjestad Zone

Time zone of Oranjestad.

Oranjestad Local time
Oranjestad Time zoneUTC -4:00 (America/Aruba)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Oranjestad Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Oranjestad.

Oranjestad Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Oranjestad.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
31 December12:01 - 17:43 - 23:2511:38 - 23:4811:11 - 00:14 10:45 - 00:41
1 January12:01 - 17:43 - 23:2611:38 - 23:4911:12 - 00:15 10:46 - 00:41
2 January12:02 - 17:44 - 23:2611:39 - 23:4911:12 - 00:16 10:46 - 00:42
3 January12:02 - 17:44 - 23:2711:39 - 23:5011:13 - 00:16 10:46 - 00:42
4 January12:02 - 17:45 - 23:2711:39 - 23:5011:13 - 00:17 10:47 - 00:43
5 January12:03 - 17:45 - 23:2811:40 - 23:5111:13 - 00:17 10:47 - 00:43
6 January12:03 - 17:46 - 23:2811:40 - 23:5111:14 - 00:18 10:48 - 00:44

Oranjestad Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Oranjestad classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Renaissance Aruba Resort and CasinoRenaissance Aruba Resort and Casino

Featuring a 40-acre private island and beaches, this Oranjestad resort offers both adults-only and family lodging. A full-service spa, casino and choice of fine restaurants are available... view more
$US 332
Hotel Flamboyant Garden VillasFlamboyant Garden Villas

Located just 200 metres from Surfside Beach, Flamboyant Garden Villas offers air-conditioned apartments with free Wi-Fi. Each one has a private terrace with views of the tropical gardens... view more
$US 149
Hotel Le Chateau Ocean VillasLe Chateau Ocean Villas

This Mediterranean-style villa is set right on the seafront in Oranjestad, just 800 metres from Surfside Beach. Le Chateau Ocean Villas offers stylish air-conditioned suites with free Wi-Fi and fully equipped kitchens... view more
$US 149
Hotel Aruba ApartmentAruba Apartment
Located 4 minutes’ drive from central Oranjestad, Aruba Apartment offers free Wi-Fi, gardens, a casino and a fitness centre. Massage services are also available on site... view more
$US 75
Hotel Wonders Boutique HotelWonders Boutique Hotel
Featuring an outdoor pool fed by a natural spring, this adults-only hotel is less than 2 km from the Oranjestad city centre. Free high-speed internet access and a free daily beach shuttle are provided... view more
$US 134
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Oranjestad Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Oranjestad and its surroundings.

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