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  11. Riohacha


Riohacha Localisation : Country Colombia, Department La Guajira.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.


Find all the information of Riohacha or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

DepartmentLa Guajira

Riohacha Administration

Riohacha Code44001
Riohacha Post code440002
Riohacha MayorFabio David Velasquez Rivadeneira

Riohacha Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Riohacha? Here are all the details of Riohacha available below.

Riohacha Postal addressCalle 2 No 8 - 38
Riohacha Phone number5727 2333
International: +57 5727 2333
Riohacha Fax number5727 0606
International: +57 5727 0606
Riohacha Email address[email protected]
Riohacha Websitewww.riohacha-laguajira.gov.co
Other informationMunicipios de Colombia : Riohacha
Riohacha Birth certificate, Riohacha Death certificate

Riohacha Demography

Information on the people and the population of Riohacha.

Riohacha Population169,311 inhabitants
Riohacha Population Density53.4 /km² (138.3 /sq mi)

Riohacha Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Riohacha.

Riohacha Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 11.533, Longitude: -72.9
11° 31′ 59″ North, 72° 54′ 0″ West
Riohacha Area317,100 hectares
3,171.00 km² (1,224.33 sq mi)
Riohacha Altitude3 m (10 ft)
Riohacha ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Riohacha Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Riohacha and the biggest cities of Colombia.

Bogotá 782 kmMedellín 660 kmCali 987 km
Barranquilla 215 kmCartagena 311 kmCúcuta 407 km
Ibagué 831 kmBucaramanga 493 kmPasto 1247 km
Soledad 213 kmPereira 809 kmSanta Marta 146 km closest

Riohacha Map

Locate simply the city of Riohacha through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Riohacha Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Riohacha has international agreements with its different pairings.

Riohacha Zone

Time zone of Riohacha.

Riohacha Local time
Riohacha Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Bogota)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Riohacha Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Riohacha.

Riohacha Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Riohacha.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
11 January12:14 - 17:59 - 23:4411:51 - 00:0711:25 - 00:33 10:59 - 00:59
12 January12:14 - 18:00 - 23:4511:52 - 00:0711:26 - 00:34 11:00 - 01:00
13 January12:14 - 18:00 - 23:4511:52 - 00:0811:26 - 00:34 11:00 - 01:00
14 January12:15 - 18:00 - 23:4611:52 - 00:0811:26 - 00:34 11:00 - 01:00
15 January12:15 - 18:01 - 23:4611:52 - 00:0911:26 - 00:35 11:00 - 01:01
16 January12:15 - 18:01 - 23:4711:53 - 00:0911:27 - 00:35 11:01 - 01:01
17 January12:15 - 18:01 - 23:4711:53 - 00:1011:27 - 00:36 11:01 - 01:02

Riohacha Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Riohacha classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Casa Patio BonitaCasa Patio Bonita
Practical rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered in Ríohacha, 300 metres from the beach. Casa Patio has gym facilities and offers free public parking. Casa Patio Bonita’s rooms are equipped with shared bathrooms and TVs... view more
Hotel Hotel TaroaHotel Taroa

Offering an a la carte restaurant, Hotel Taroa is located in Ríohacha, right on the Caribbean Sea. The property boasts free Wi-Fi and free daily American breakfast... view more
Hotel Hotel Waya GuajiraHotel Waya Guajira
Featuring a garden, a restaurant, an outdoor pool and a business centre, Waya Guajira is an eco-friendly hotel that offers free Wi-Fi and 24-hour front desk assistance in Albania... view more
Hotel Aite HotelAite Hotel
El Pantano
Offering an outdoor pool and a restaurant, Aite Hotel is located in Palomino, just 200 metres from the beach. It offers a private beach area, a shuttle service and free Wi-Fi... view more
Hotel Cabañas PrabaCabañas Praba

Featuring a garden, a bar and an outdoor pool, Cabañas Praba offers free Wi-Fi and 24-hour front desk assistance in Palomino. The nearest town, Mingueo, is 18 km away. Guests at Praba can relax in the on-site hammocks while enjoying the scenic..... view more
More Hotels »

Riohacha Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Riohacha and its surroundings.

Riohacha 1.8 kmPunta María Angola 4.1 kmRiohacha Old 5.8 km
Punta Piedras 5.9 kmPunta de Piedras 5.9 kmPunta de Pacheco 7.3 km
Punta Pacheco 7.3 kmEl Horno 9.6 kmPunta del Colorado 13.2 km
Punta de Colorado 13.2 kmPunta La Vela 13.7 kmPunta de la Vela 13.7 km
Región Caneguacar 18.8 kmSan Judas Tadao 18.9 kmBajos de Moreno 19.7 km
Bajos Arúka 21 kmSan Antonio 21.7 kmInternado Mixto San Antonio 21.7 km
Punta Tres Amigos 26 kmPunta de los Tres Amigos 26 kmPunta Los Tres Amigos 26 km
Sabana Los Montes 26 kmFrontón de Jorote 27.3 kmJorota 27.3 km
Punta de Jorota 27.3 kmPunta de Torota 27.3 kmPunta Jorota 27.3 km
Punta Joroba 27.3 kmPunta Jorote 27.3 km

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