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  11. Geertruidenberg


Geertruidenberg Localisation : Country Netherlands, Province North Brabant.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Drimmelen, Oosterhout and Dongen.


Find all the information of Geertruidenberg or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Geertruidenberg Administration

Geertruidenberg Code0779
Geertruidenberg Post code4940
Geertruidenberg MayorM.J.A. Meijer

Geertruidenberg Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Geertruidenberg? Here are all the details of Geertruidenberg available below.

Geertruidenberg Postal addressVrijheidstraat 2, (Postbus 10001)
Geertruidenberg Phone number(016) 257 95 79
International: +31 16 2579579
Geertruidenberg Email address[email protected]
Geertruidenberg Websitewww.geertruidenberg.nl
Other informationSteden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Geertruidenberg
Geertruidenberg Birth certificate, Geertruidenberg Death certificate

Geertruidenberg Demography

Information on the people and the population of Geertruidenberg.

Geertruidenberg Population21,474 inhabitants
Geertruidenberg Population Density722.8 /km² (1,872.0 /sq mi)

Geertruidenberg Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Geertruidenberg.

Geertruidenberg Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 51.7014, Longitude: 4.85842
51° 42′ 5″ North, 4° 51′ 30″ East
Geertruidenberg Area2,971 hectares
29.71 km² (11.47 sq mi)
Geertruidenberg Altitude3 m (10 ft)
Geertruidenberg ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Geertruidenberg Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Geertruidenberg and the biggest cities of Netherlands.

Amsterdam 75 kmRotterdam 36 kmThe Hague 56 km
Utrecht 47 kmEindhoven 52 kmTilburg 23 km
Almere 79 kmGroningen 205 kmBreda 14 km closest
Nijmegen 71 kmEnschede 151 kmApeldoorn 95 km

Geertruidenberg Map

Locate simply the city of Geertruidenberg through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Geertruidenberg Nearby cities and villages

Drimmelen 3.7 kmOosterhout 6.3 kmDongen 10.5 km
Werkendam 12.6 kmHardinxveld-Giessendam 13.6 kmBreda 13.8 km
Waalwijk 14.6 kmSliedrecht 14.7 kmWoudrichem 15.7 km
Moerdijk 15.9 kmGorinchem 17 kmLoon op Zand 17 km

Geertruidenberg Zone

Time zone of Geertruidenberg.

Geertruidenberg Local time
Geertruidenberg Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Geertruidenberg Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Geertruidenberg.

Geertruidenberg Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Geertruidenberg.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
17 January08:37 - 12:50 - 17:0307:59 - 17:4107:17 - 18:23 06:37 - 19:03
18 January08:37 - 12:51 - 17:0507:58 - 17:4307:17 - 18:24 06:37 - 19:04
19 January08:35 - 12:51 - 17:0607:57 - 17:4407:16 - 18:26 06:36 - 19:06
20 January08:34 - 12:51 - 17:0807:57 - 17:4607:15 - 18:27 06:35 - 19:07
21 January08:33 - 12:51 - 17:1007:56 - 17:4707:14 - 18:29 06:34 - 19:09
22 January08:32 - 12:52 - 17:1107:55 - 17:4907:13 - 18:30 06:33 - 19:10
23 January08:31 - 12:52 - 17:1307:53 - 17:5007:12 - 18:32 06:33 - 19:11

Geertruidenberg Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Geertruidenberg classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel HeereHotel Heere

This family hotel provides a homely base with outside terrace and romantic rooms. Make use of free on-site parking and rent a bicycle or electric boat to explore the area... view more
€ 60
Hotel De BergenseHofDe BergenseHof
Set in the quiet rural area of Raamsdonk and only a 10-minute drive from De Biesbosch, De BergenseHof offers spacious accommodation with a terrace and free private parking on site. Motorway A59 is only a 3-minute drive away... view more
€ 110
Hotel Best Western Hotel De KorenbeursBest Western Hotel De Korenbeurs

Hotel De Korenbeurs is situated in the village of Made in an area ideal for cycling, walking or sailing, 5 km from the edge of the Biesbosch National Park... view more
€ 69
Hotel Hotel Restaurant 't TrefpuntHotel Restaurant 't Trefpunt

Set in the centre of Made, ‘t Trefpunt offers simply furnished rooms with free Wi-Fi. It has a restaurant and a café, which opens onto a terrace. Rooms at ‘t Trefpunt include a TV and a private bathroom... view more
€ 48
Hotel Holiday Home Korskes Hoef DrimmelenHoliday Home Korskes Hoef Drimmelen

This monumental farmhouse with thatched roof ideally located on the promenade. is situated near Drimmelen in Brabant. The farmhouse dates from the period around 1680 and is fully renovated. while many authentic elements were preserved... view more
€ 103
More Hotels »

Geertruidenberg Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Geertruidenberg and its surroundings.

Dongecentrale 0.9 kmAmercentrale 1.3 kmAllardspolder 1.8 km
Eendrachtspolder 1.8 kmPolder Hillen 2.1 kmPolder Oliezand 2.1 km
Polder Hooislobben 2.5 kmHooipolder 2.9 kmGroote Kurenpolder 3.2 km
Polder de Plomp 3.5 kmHerstelspolder 3.5 kmHuis ten Strijen 3.9 km
Brieltjenspolder 4.1 kmDe Briellehoeve 4.1 kmPolder Lepelaar 4.2 km
Polder het Jannezand 4.3 kmNathalspolder 4.4 kmPolder de Gijster en Heenplaat 4.6 km
Victoriahoeve 4.6 kmPolder Turfzakken 5 kmPaulushoeve 5 km
Polder Moordplaat 5.4 kmRibsche Polder 5.9 kmPolder Boerenverdriet 6.1 km
Dongendijksche Polder 6.2 kmPolder Pauluszand 6.2 kmPolder Keizersdijk 6.3 km
Honderd en Dertig 6.3 kmHonderd en Dertig-Annapolder 6.3 kmPolder Moken 6.3 km

Nuclear power plant

Doel Nuclear Power Station 59 kmBorssele Nuclear Power Station 84.4 kmTihange Nuclear Power Station 133.2 km

Geertruidenberg Page

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DB-City.comGeertruidenberg 4.4/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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