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Country | Netherlands |
Province | North Brabant |
Steenbergen Administration
Steenbergen Code | 0851 |
Steenbergen Post code | 4650 |
Steenbergen Mayor | J.J. Hoogendoorn |
Steenbergen Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Steenbergen? Here are all the details of Steenbergen available below.
Steenbergen Postal address | Buiten de Veste 1, (Postbus 6) 4650 AA STEENBERGEN NB Nederland |
Steenbergen Phone number | 140167 |
Steenbergen Email address | [email protected] |
Steenbergen Website | |
Other information | Steden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Steenbergen |
Steenbergen Birth certificate, Steenbergen Death certificate |
Steenbergen Demography
Information on the people and the population of Steenbergen.
Steenbergen Population | 23,364 inhabitants |
Steenbergen Population Density | 146.0 /km² (378.2 /sq mi) |
Steenbergen Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Steenbergen.
Steenbergen Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 51.5876, Longitude: 4.32119 51° 35′ 15″ North, 4° 19′ 16″ East |
Steenbergen Area | 16,000 hectares 160.00 km² (61.78 sq mi) |
Steenbergen Altitude | 5 m (16 ft) |
Steenbergen Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Steenbergen Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Steenbergen and the biggest cities of Netherlands.
Steenbergen Map
Locate simply the city of Steenbergen through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Steenbergen Nearby cities and villages
Tholen 9.2 km | Bergen op Zoom 10.7 km | Oostflakkee 10.8 km |
Roosendaal 11.4 km | Halderberge 13.3 km | Rucphen 17.6 km |
Woensdrecht 17.7 km | Essen 17.7 km | Korendijk 18.3 km |
Cromstrijen 19.1 km |
Steenbergen Zone
Time zone of Steenbergen.
Steenbergen Local time | |
Steenbergen Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Steenbergen Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Steenbergen.
Steenbergen Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Steenbergen.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 08:44 - 12:50 - 16:56 | 08:05 - 17:35 | 07:23 - 18:18 | 06:43 - 18:58 |
12 January | 08:43 - 12:51 - 16:58 | 08:05 - 17:37 | 07:22 - 18:19 | 06:42 - 18:59 |
13 January | 08:43 - 12:51 - 16:59 | 08:04 - 17:38 | 07:22 - 18:20 | 06:42 - 19:00 |
14 January | 08:42 - 12:51 - 17:01 | 08:03 - 17:39 | 07:21 - 18:21 | 06:41 - 19:01 |
15 January | 08:41 - 12:52 - 17:02 | 08:03 - 17:41 | 07:21 - 18:23 | 06:41 - 19:03 |
16 January | 08:40 - 12:52 - 17:04 | 08:02 - 17:42 | 07:20 - 18:24 | 06:40 - 19:04 |
17 January | 08:39 - 12:52 - 17:06 | 08:01 - 17:44 | 07:19 - 18:25 | 06:39 - 19:05 |
Steenbergen Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Steenbergen classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Bed & Breakfast Logies Chez Nous Steenbergen Offering free bicycles, Bed & Breakfast Logies Chez Nous is located in Steenbergen with many walking and cycling routes in the direct surrounding. Free Wi-Fi access is available. Featuring a terrace, the double room comes with a TV and DVD player... view more | from € 65 | |
De Wallevis Steenbergen De Wallevis is ideally located in a pastoral setting beside the countryside and Steenbergen, a minute’s walk from the harbour. De Wallevis offers attractively furnished and well-appointed rooms... view more | from € 55 | |
Beneden Sas Steenbergen Beneden Sas is located on the island of Steenbergen surrounded by the river Steenbergsche Vliet. It offers spacious self-catering accommodation... view more | from € 120 | |
My Lodge Dinteloord My Lodge is a self-standing holiday home located in a rural area in Dinteloord at the harbour canal. Free Wi-Fi access is available in this holiday home... view more | from € 75 | |
Hotel Restaurant Zeeland Tholen Hotel Zeeland is located next to Tholen’s old harbour, featuring a French cuisine restaurant serving fish specialties. It offers 4 classic rooms with box-spring beds, cable TV and free Wi-Fi... view more | from € 50 | |
More Hotels » |
Steenbergen Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Steenbergen and its surroundings.
Oost-Graaf Hendrikpolder 1.1 km | Fort Hendrik 1.8 km | Aanwaspolder 2 km |
Triangelpolder 2.1 km | Oudland 2.2 km | West-Graaf Hendrikpolder 2.4 km |
Westveerpolder 2.4 km | Oude Vlietpolder 2.6 km | Drenkhoos 2.7 km |
Nieuwe Vlietpolder 2.9 km | Kerkegors 2.9 km | Mariapolder 3.1 km |
Groote Boonhil 3.1 km | Oude Heipolder 3.5 km | Vierhoeven 3.5 km |
Polder Nieuw-Kromwiel 3.5 km | Kleine Boonhil 3.6 km | De Krabben 3.7 km |
Nassaupolder 3.7 km | Koningsoordpolder 3.8 km | Bovensas 4 km |
Nieuwe Heipolder 4.3 km | Heenwerf 4.4 km | Zegblokken 4.5 km |
Karhoef 4.9 km | Rubeerepolder 5 km | Oude Prinslandse Polder 5 km |
Vosberg 5 km | De Vo 5.1 km | Groote Bolspolder 5.2 km |
Nuclear power plant
Doel Nuclear Power Station 29.6 km | Borssele Nuclear Power Station 45.3 km | Tihange Nuclear Power Station 134.9 km |
Steenbergen Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Steenbergen /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |