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Country | Netherlands |
Province | Zeeland |
Tholen Administration
Tholen Code | 0716 |
Tholen Post code | 4690 |
Tholen Mayor | W. Nuis |
Tholen Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Tholen? Here are all the details of Tholen available below.
Tholen Postal address | Hof van Tholen 2, (Postbus 51) 4690 AB THOLEN Nederland |
Tholen Phone number | (016) 666 82 00 International: +31 16 6668200 |
Tholen Email address | [email protected] |
Tholen Website | |
Other information | Steden en Gemeenten van Nederland : Tholen |
Tholen Birth certificate, Tholen Death certificate |
Tholen Demography
Information on the people and the population of Tholen.
Tholen Population | 25,556 inhabitants |
Tholen Population Density | 100.4 /km² (260.1 /sq mi) |
Tholen Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Tholen.
Tholen Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 51.5324, Longitude: 4.2218 51° 31′ 57″ North, 4° 13′ 18″ East |
Tholen Area | 25,451 hectares 254.51 km² (98.27 sq mi) |
Tholen Altitude | 7 m (23 ft) |
Tholen Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Tholen Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Tholen and the biggest cities of Netherlands.
Tholen Map
Locate simply the city of Tholen through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Tholen Nearby cities and villages
Bergen op Zoom 6.3 km | Steenbergen 9.2 km | Woensdrecht 12.7 km |
Reimerswaal 14.3 km | Roosendaal 16.5 km | Oostflakkee 16.8 km |
Essen 18.3 km | Kapelle 18.9 km |
Tholen Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Tholen has international agreements with its different pairings.
Tholen Zone
Time zone of Tholen.
Tholen Local time | |
Tholen Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Amsterdam) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Tholen Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Tholen.
Tholen Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Tholen.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
12 January | 08:44 - 12:51 - 16:59 | 08:05 - 17:37 | 07:23 - 18:19 | 06:43 - 18:59 |
13 January | 08:43 - 12:51 - 17:00 | 08:04 - 17:39 | 07:22 - 18:21 | 06:42 - 19:01 |
14 January | 08:42 - 12:52 - 17:02 | 08:04 - 17:40 | 07:22 - 18:22 | 06:42 - 19:02 |
15 January | 08:41 - 12:52 - 17:03 | 08:03 - 17:41 | 07:21 - 18:23 | 06:41 - 19:03 |
16 January | 08:40 - 12:52 - 17:05 | 08:02 - 17:43 | 07:20 - 18:25 | 06:40 - 19:05 |
17 January | 08:39 - 12:53 - 17:06 | 08:01 - 17:44 | 07:20 - 18:26 | 06:40 - 19:06 |
18 January | 08:38 - 12:53 - 17:08 | 08:00 - 17:46 | 07:19 - 18:27 | 06:39 - 19:07 |
Tholen Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Tholen classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Restaurant Zeeland Tholen Hotel Zeeland is located next to Tholen’s old harbour, featuring a French cuisine restaurant serving fish specialties. It offers 4 classic rooms with box-spring beds, cable TV and free Wi-Fi... view more | from € 50 | |
Hotel KOM! Sint Maartensdijk Hotel KOM! is situated in a historical building on the Market Square of Sint Maartensdijk, on the island Tholen in Zeeland. The hotel offers free Wi-Fi and free parking... view more | from € 80 | |
Het Raedthuys Restaurant & Suites Sint Maartensdijk This intimate luxury hotel is situated in the former town hall of Tholen in St. Maartensdijk. Raedthuys includes a bar with fireplace, an on-site gym and free Wi-Fi... view more | from € 65 | |
Koekoeksnest Sint Maartensdijk This holiday home is a part of a residential farm in the outlying area of Sint Maartensdijk. On the Zeeland island of Tholen. The home is located on a quiet path in a rural environment and is a perfect location for peace, space and nature... view more | from € 136 | |
Holiday home Sint Annaland Sint Annaland Holiday home Sint Annaland is located in Sint Annaland. This non-smoking house can accommodate up to four persons. The two-bedroom accommodation will provide three TV's, free WiFi and a DVD player... view more | from € 51 | |
More Hotels » |
Tholen Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Tholen and its surroundings.
Auvergnepolder 1.3 km | Nieuwlandpolder 1.8 km | Slabbekoornpolder 2.1 km |
Ganzengat 2.1 km | Vijftienhonderdgemetenpolder 2.3 km | Zuidhoek 2.6 km |
Schakerloopolder 2.7 km | Puitpolder 2.7 km | Deurloopolder 2.7 km |
Nieuw Beijmoerpolder 3 km | Peukepolder 3 km | Oud-Strijenpolder 3.1 km |
Oud-Glimespolder 3.2 km | Oud-Kijkuitpolder 3.3 km | Polder Oud-Vossemeer 3.6 km |
Leguitpolder 3.6 km | De Noord 3.7 km | Eendrachtspolder 3.7 km |
Noordland 4.1 km | De Waterschans 4.1 km | Kerkepolder 4.1 km |
Roode-Schouw 4.2 km | Polder Nieuw Strijen 4.3 km | Sint Antonius 4.6 km |
Rubeerepolder 4.7 km | Mattenburgspolder 5.2 km | De Korenaar 5.3 km |
Zuidweihoek 5.3 km | Het Laag 5.4 km | Fort de Roovere 5.4 km |
Nuclear power plant
Doel Nuclear Power Station 23.3 km | Borssele Nuclear Power Station 36.7 km | Tihange Nuclear Power Station 133.4 km |
Tholen Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Tholen /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |