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  11. Maia


Maia Localisation : Country Portugal, District Oporto.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Matosinhos, Oporto and Vila Nova de Gaia.


Find all the information of Maia or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Maia Administration

Maia CodeMAI
Maia Post code4470
Maia MayorAntónio Silva Tiago

Maia Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Maia? Here are all the details of Maia available below.

Maia Postal addressPRAÇA DO MUNICÍPIO
4470-202 - MAIA
Maia Phone number229 410 590
International: +351 229 410 590
Maia Fax number229 485 247
International: +351 229 485 247
Maia Email address[email protected]
Maia Websitewww.cm-maia.pt
Other informationCâmara Municipal : Maia
Maia Birth certificate, Maia Death certificate

Maia Demography

Information on the people and the population of Maia.

Maia Population137,727 inhabitants
Maia Population Density1,657.4 /km² (4,292.6 /sq mi)

Maia Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Maia.

Maia Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.2329, Longitude: -8.62156
41° 13′ 58″ North, 8° 37′ 18″ West
Maia Area8,310 hectares
83.10 km² (32.09 sq mi)
Maia Altitude110 m (361 ft)
Maia ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

Maia Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Maia and the biggest cities of Portugal.

Lisbon 285 kmSintra 279 kmVila Nova de Gaia 11 km
Oporto 9 kmCascais 290 kmLoures 271 km
Braga 39 kmAmadora 280 kmOeiras 288 km
Matosinhos 7 km closestAlmada 288 kmSeixal 291 km

Maia Map

Locate simply the city of Maia through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Maia Nearby cities and villages

Matosinhos 7.4 kmOporto 9.3 kmVila Nova de Gaia 10.8 km
Valongo 11.2 kmGondomar 12.2 kmTrofa 13.3 km
Vila do Conde 16.9 kmSanto Tirso parish 17.2 km

Maia Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Maia has international agreements with its different pairings.

Maia Zone

Time zone of Maia.

Maia Local time
Maia Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Maia Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Maia.

Maia Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Maia.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
14 February08:29 - 13:48 - 19:0708:01 - 19:3507:29 - 20:07 06:57 - 20:39
15 February08:28 - 13:48 - 19:0808:00 - 19:3607:28 - 20:09 06:56 - 20:41
16 February08:27 - 13:48 - 19:0907:59 - 19:3707:26 - 20:10 06:54 - 20:42
17 February08:25 - 13:48 - 19:1007:57 - 19:3907:25 - 20:11 06:53 - 20:43
18 February08:24 - 13:48 - 19:1207:56 - 19:4007:24 - 20:12 06:52 - 20:44
19 February08:23 - 13:48 - 19:1307:55 - 19:4107:22 - 20:13 06:51 - 20:45
20 February08:21 - 13:48 - 19:1407:53 - 19:4207:21 - 20:14 06:49 - 20:46

Maia Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Maia classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Central ParqueHotel Central Parque

Located in the city of Maia, this hotel offers soundproofed rooms with full private bathrooms and 24-hour room service. Free Wi-Fi and drinks are available in the cosy lobby bar with skylight. All rooms have wooden floors and air conditioning... view more
€ 48
Hotel Hotel Premium AeroportoHotel Premium Aeroporto

Situated in Maia's city centre, Hotel Premium Maia offers rooms with free internet access. Forum Maia Metro Station, just 100 metres away, offers connections to the Porto Airport... view more
€ 49
Hotel Hotel VianorteHotel Vianorte

Leça do Balio
Offering large rooms with air conditioning, this hotel is situated a 10-minute drive from the cities of Maia, Matosinhos and Porto. The garden offers a heated pool and there is a large private parking... view more
€ 30
Hotel Hotel Spa MiramaiaHotel Spa Miramaia

Leça do Balio
Located in Matosinhos, this family-run hotel offers air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. It has an indoor pool and a restaurant. Free parking is available on site. The spacious rooms are decorated in warm colours... view more
€ 40
Hotel AirPorto HostelAirPorto Hostel
Featuring a common living area with fireplace, AirPorto Hostel was refurbished to provide all modern comforts. It is located a 10-minute walk from Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport... view more
€ 12
More Hotels »

Maia Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Maia and its surroundings.

Monte das Cruzes 0.4 kmMonte do Mogo 0.4 kmMonte do Xisto 2.6 km
Alto do Facho 4.9 kmSão Gens 5.6 kmMonte Gentil 5.7 km
Santa Eufémia 7.5 kmLeixões 7.6 kmLeixões de Lavra 8.2 km
São Romão 8.2 kmBaixo da Lenha 8.8 kmBanco da Lenha 8.8 km
Mata de Labruge 8.8 kmForte do Queijo 9 kmFort Queija 9 km
Castelo do Queijo 9 kmEstação de São Bento 9.2 kmEstação da Boa Vista 9.3 km
Porto Boa Vista 9.3 kmPraia do Marreto 9.4 kmPorto-Trindade 9.4 km
Porto Trinidade 9.4 kmTrindade 9.4 kmSerra do Bougado 9.5 km
Campanhã 9.8 kmPedras Quebradas 10.1 kmPraia de Labruge 10.1 km
Ponte da Arrábida 10.3 kmPenas d’ Abelha 10.4 kmAlto da Serra 10.4 km

Maia Page

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