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  11. Santo Tirso parish

Santo Tirso parish

Santo Tirso parish Localisation : Country Portugal, District Oporto.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Trofa, Vila Nova de Famalicão and Paços de Ferreira.


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Santo Tirso parish Administration

Santo Tirso parish CodeSTS
Santo Tirso parish Post code4780
Santo Tirso parish MayorJoaquim Couto

Santo Tirso parish Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Santo Tirso parish? Here are all the details of Santo Tirso parish available below.

Santo Tirso parish Postal addressPRAÇA 25 DE ABRIL
4780-373 - SANTO TIRSO
Santo Tirso parish Phone number252 830 400
International: +351 252 830 400
Santo Tirso parish Fax number252 859 267
International: +351 252 859 267
Santo Tirso parish Email address[email protected]
Santo Tirso parish Websitewww.cm-stirso.pt
Other informationCâmara Municipal : Santo Tirso
Santo Tirso parish Birth certificate, Santo Tirso parish Death certificate

Santo Tirso parish Demography

Information on the people and the population of Santo Tirso parish.

Santo Tirso parish Population68,221 inhabitants
Santo Tirso parish Population Density499.8 /km² (1,294.4 /sq mi)

Santo Tirso parish Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Santo Tirso parish.

Santo Tirso parish Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.3427, Longitude: -8.47747
41° 20′ 34″ North, 8° 28′ 39″ West
Santo Tirso parish Area13,650 hectares
136.50 km² (52.70 sq mi)
Santo Tirso parish Altitude70 m (230 ft)
Santo Tirso parish ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

Santo Tirso parish Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Santo Tirso parish and the biggest cities of Portugal.

Lisbon 299 kmSintra 294 kmVila Nova de Gaia 26 km
Oporto 24 km closestCascais 305 kmLoures 286 km
Braga 24 kmAmadora 295 kmOeiras 303 km
Matosinhos 25 kmAlmada 302 kmSeixal 305 km

Santo Tirso parish Map

Locate simply the city of Santo Tirso parish through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Santo Tirso parish Nearby cities and villages

Trofa 6.7 kmVila Nova de Famalicão 8.6 kmPaços de Ferreira 13.8 km
Vizela 15 kmMaia 17.2 kmValongo 17.4 km
Lousada 17.8 kmGuimaraes 18.8 kmParedes 19.3 km

Santo Tirso parish Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Santo Tirso parish has international agreements with its different pairings.

Santo Tirso parish Zone

Time zone of Santo Tirso parish.

Santo Tirso parish Local time
Santo Tirso parish Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Santo Tirso parish Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Santo Tirso parish.

Santo Tirso parish Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Santo Tirso parish.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 January08:58 - 13:42 - 18:2608:27 - 18:5607:53 - 19:30 07:20 - 20:04
13 January08:58 - 13:42 - 18:2708:27 - 18:5707:53 - 19:31 07:20 - 20:05
14 January08:57 - 13:43 - 18:2808:27 - 18:5807:53 - 19:32 07:20 - 20:06
15 January08:57 - 13:43 - 18:2908:26 - 18:5907:52 - 19:33 07:19 - 20:07
16 January08:56 - 13:43 - 18:3008:26 - 19:0007:52 - 19:34 07:19 - 20:08
17 January08:56 - 13:44 - 18:3108:26 - 19:0207:52 - 19:35 07:19 - 20:09
18 January08:55 - 13:44 - 18:3308:25 - 19:0307:51 - 19:37 07:18 - 20:10

Santo Tirso parish Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Santo Tirso parish classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Santo Thyrso HotelSanto Thyrso Hotel

Santo Tirso
The Santo Thyrso Hotel is located in the heart of Santo Tirso and has a rooftop terrace that offers panoramic views of the city. Each of the hotel’s spacious rooms has air conditioning, cable TV, a telephone, and a minibar... view more
€ 47
Hotel Casa do Campo da CavadinhaCasa do Campo da Cavadinha

Santo Tirso
This holiday home can be found in Santa Tirso. The 255m² accommodation contains a kitchen, living/dining room, library, three bedrooms and two bathrooms, all on the ground floor. There is a garden with swimming pool and table tennis... view more
€ 118
Hotel Residencial dos CarvalhaisResidencial dos Carvalhais
Santo Tirso
Located in Santo Tirso, a city halfway between Porto and Guimarães, this 4-star residential boasts fabulous views of the city and Monte da Nossa Senhora da Assunção... view more
€ 35
Hotel Hotel CidnayHotel Cidnay

Santo Tirso
Located in the centre of Santo Tirso, the 4-star Hotel Cidnay is only 20 minutes’ drive from Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport. It features a fitness centre and modern rooms with a balcony... view more
€ 70
Hotel Solar S.BentoSolar S.Bento
Santo Tirso
Situated in a century old house, Solar S. Bento, offers air conditioned accommodation with private bathroom facilities. It features a garden and a 24 hour front desk. Porto and Guimarães are within a 30 minute drive away... view more
€ 30
More Hotels »

Santo Tirso parish Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Santo Tirso parish and its surroundings.

Monte da Senhora da Assunção 2.5 kmMonte de Romão 3.8 kmMonte das Almas 4.8 km
Alto de Ceroulas 5.2 kmAlto de São Jorge 6 kmTrofa 6.2 km
Trota 6.2 kmOuteiro do Espinhaço 7.4 kmPico Alto 8.3 km
Alto da Bouça do Rego 8.4 kmSão Romão 9 kmMata de Pindela 10.3 km
Penas d’ Abelha 10.5 kmAlto da Serra 10.6 kmAlto da Feiteira 10.6 km
Serra do Bougado 10.6 kmSanta Marta 10.7 kmChão de Bouças 11.2 km
Alto de Moinhos 11.6 kmMonte das Pias 11.6 kmSanto Antoninho 12 km
Alto do Facho 12.2 kmMonte de Curtinhas 12.5 kmMonte da Santa 13.7 km
Alto da Cruz 13.8 kmViso Alto 13.9 kmSanta Eufémia 13.9 km
Monte das Pedreiras 14.5 kmMonte do Xisto 14.5 kmMonte Gentil 14.6 km

Santo Tirso parish Page

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