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  11. Valongo


Valongo Localisation : Country Portugal, District Oporto.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Gondomar, Oporto and Maia.


Find all the information of Valongo or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Valongo Administration

Valongo CodeVLG
Valongo Post code4440
Valongo MayorJosé Manuel Ribeiro

Valongo Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Valongo? Here are all the details of Valongo available below.

Valongo Postal addressAV. 5 DE OUTUBRO.160
4440-503 - VALONGO
Valongo Phone number224 227 900
International: +351 224 227 900
Valongo Fax number224 224 392
International: +351 224 224 392
Valongo Email address[email protected]
Valongo Websitewww.cm-valongo.pt
Other informationCâmara Municipal : Valongo
Valongo Birth certificate, Valongo Death certificate

Valongo Demography

Information on the people and the population of Valongo.

Valongo Population96,570 inhabitants
Valongo Population Density1,285.9 /km² (3,330.4 /sq mi)

Valongo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Valongo.

Valongo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.1873, Longitude: -8.50219
41° 11′ 14″ North, 8° 30′ 8″ West
Valongo Area7,510 hectares
75.10 km² (29.00 sq mi)
Valongo Altitude163 m (535 ft)
Valongo ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

Valongo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Valongo and the biggest cities of Portugal.

Lisbon 281 kmSintra 276 kmVila Nova de Gaia 12 km
Oporto 10 km closestCascais 288 kmLoures 268 km
Braga 41 kmAmadora 277 kmOeiras 286 km
Matosinhos 15 kmAlmada 285 kmSeixal 288 km

Valongo Map

Locate simply the city of Valongo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Valongo Nearby cities and villages

Gondomar 5.7 kmOporto 10 kmMaia 11.2 km
Vila Nova de Gaia 12.4 kmParedes 14.3 kmMatosinhos 14.9 km
Paços de Ferreira 15.4 kmSanto Tirso parish 17.4 kmTrofa 17.9 km
Penafiel 18.3 km

Valongo Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Valongo has international agreements with its different pairings.

Valongo Zone

Time zone of Valongo.

Valongo Local time
Valongo Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Valongo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Valongo.

Valongo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Valongo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
22 January08:52 - 13:45 - 18:3808:23 - 19:0807:49 - 19:41 07:16 - 20:14
23 January08:52 - 13:45 - 18:3908:22 - 19:0907:49 - 19:42 07:16 - 20:15
24 January08:51 - 13:46 - 18:4008:21 - 19:1007:48 - 19:43 07:15 - 20:16
25 January08:50 - 13:46 - 18:4108:21 - 19:1107:47 - 19:44 07:15 - 20:17
26 January08:49 - 13:46 - 18:4308:20 - 19:1207:47 - 19:46 07:14 - 20:18
27 January08:49 - 13:46 - 18:4408:19 - 19:1307:46 - 19:47 07:13 - 20:19
28 January08:48 - 13:46 - 18:4508:18 - 19:1507:45 - 19:48 07:13 - 20:20

Valongo Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Valongo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Romano HostelRomano Hostel
Romano House is located right in the centre of Valongo and features a restaurant. The comfortable hostel is a 15-minute drive from Aliados Avenue, in central Porto. The hostel features accommodation in dormitories and private rooms... view more
€ 17
Hotel Park Hotel Porto ValongoPark Hotel Porto Valongo

Located 12 minutes away from the Porto city centre, and 2 km from Valongo's train station, Park Hotel Porto offers free indoor and outdoor parking. It features spacious rooms with a flat-screen cable TV and conference rooms... view more
€ 20
Hotel Hotel Portas De Santa RitaHotel Portas De Santa Rita

This 4-star design hotel offers free parking and great-value-for-money accommodation in the Oporto’s metropolitan area. It is right next to the highway exit of (A4) Ermesinde... view more
€ 30
Hotel Quinta das TelheirasQuinta das Telheiras
Holiday home Quinta das Telheiras is a furnished 5 bedroom house. The living/dinning room includes wall-trunk beds, TV, cable TV and DVD player. The kitchen includes 4 hotplates, oven and microwave... view more
€ 159
Hotel Quinta da GranjaQuinta da Granja
Quinta da Granja is an 18-century manor house, located 11 km from Porto’s Torre dos Clérigos, in Maia. It includes a Baroque chapel and mature garden with camellia trees and statues... view more
More Hotels »

Valongo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Valongo and its surroundings.

Alto da Serra 1.3 kmSerra de Santa Justa 2.3 kmSerra de Pias 5.1 km
Puente D. Luís 5.4 kmSerra do Castiçal 6.7 kmPenas d’ Abelha 7 km
Monte Alto 7.9 kmCampanhã 8 kmAlto da Serra 8.2 km
Alto da Feiteira 8.2 kmPorto Trinidade 9.2 kmPorto-Trindade 9.2 km
Trindade 9.2 kmAlto da Cruz 10 kmSerra de Quebrantões 10.2 km
Serra do Pilar 10.2 kmEstação de São Bento 10.5 kmOuteiro do Espinhaço 10.8 km
Monte do Xisto 10.8 kmMonte das Cruzes 10.9 kmMonte do Mogo 10.9 km
São Gens 11 kmAlto do Facho 11.1 kmPorto Alfândega 11.3 km
Alfândega 11.3 kmSão Romão 11.4 kmSerra de Santo Antoninho 11.6 km
Porto Boa Vista 11.7 kmEstação da Boa Vista 11.7 kmPonte da Arrábida 12.6 km

Valongo Page

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