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Paredes Localisation : Country Portugal, District Oporto.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Penafiel, Paços de Ferreira and Lousada.


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Paredes Administration

Paredes CodePRD
Paredes Post code4580
Paredes MayorAlexandre Almeida

Paredes Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Paredes? Here are all the details of Paredes available below.

Paredes Postal addressPRAÇA JOSÉ GUILHERME
4580-229 - PAREDES
Paredes Phone number255 788 800
International: +351 255 788 800
Paredes Fax number255 782 155
International: +351 255 782 155
Paredes Email address[email protected]
Paredes Websitewww.cm-paredes.pt
Other informationCâmara Municipal : Paredes
Paredes Birth certificate, Paredes Death certificate

Paredes Demography

Information on the people and the population of Paredes.

Paredes Population86,072 inhabitants
Paredes Population Density548.9 /km² (1,421.7 /sq mi)

Paredes Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Paredes.

Paredes Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.2071, Longitude: -8.33372
41° 12′ 26″ North, 8° 20′ 1″ West
Paredes Area15,680 hectares
156.80 km² (60.54 sq mi)
Paredes Altitude189 m (620 ft)
Paredes ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

Paredes Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Paredes and the biggest cities of Portugal.

Lisbon 287 kmSintra 283 kmVila Nova de Gaia 26 km
Oporto 24 km closestCascais 294 kmLoures 274 km
Braga 39 kmAmadora 283 kmOeiras 292 km
Matosinhos 29 kmAlmada 290 kmSeixal 293 km

Paredes Map

Locate simply the city of Paredes through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Paredes Nearby cities and villages

Paredes Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Paredes has international agreements with its different pairings.

Paredes Zone

Time zone of Paredes.

Paredes Local time
Paredes Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Paredes Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Paredes.

Paredes Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Paredes.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
2 February08:42 - 13:47 - 18:5108:13 - 19:2007:40 - 19:53 07:08 - 20:25
3 February08:41 - 13:47 - 18:5208:12 - 19:2107:40 - 19:54 07:07 - 20:26
4 February08:40 - 13:47 - 18:5308:11 - 19:2207:39 - 19:55 07:06 - 20:27
5 February08:39 - 13:47 - 18:5408:10 - 19:2307:38 - 19:56 07:05 - 20:28
6 February08:38 - 13:47 - 18:5608:09 - 19:2407:37 - 19:57 07:04 - 20:29
7 February08:37 - 13:47 - 18:5708:08 - 19:2607:36 - 19:58 07:03 - 20:30
8 February08:36 - 13:47 - 18:5808:07 - 19:2707:35 - 19:59 07:02 - 20:32

Paredes Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Paredes classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Paredes Hotel ApartamentoParedes Hotel Apartamento

Paredes Hotel Apartamento is situated in the middle of the Sousa Valley, famous for its wine and cheese. It offers a gourmet restaurant and a well-stocked bar, 20 minutes’ drive from Porto... view more
€ 33
Hotel Casa de LouredoCasa de Louredo
This renovated old house maintains all the spirit of its original structure, while also featuring modern comforts. The Casa de Louredo has a green garden surrounding it and features massages, at a surcharge... view more
€ 50
Hotel Paredes Design HotelParedes Design Hotel

Just 2 km from the centre of Paredes, this design hotel offers stylish rooms with free Wi-Fi and a flat-screen TV. Facilities include a fitness centre. The air-conditioned rooms at Paredes Design Hotel feature a modern interior... view more
€ 27
Hotel Solar Egas Moniz-Charming House & Local ExperiencesSolar Egas Moniz-Charming House & Local Experiences
Paço de Sousa
Solar Egas Moniz - Charming House & Local Experiences is a charming guest house, based on a recovered 19th century house. The inviting Solar includes an outdoor swimming pool and a wine cellar... view more
€ 79
Hotel Quinta do Lobo BrancoQuinta do Lobo Branco
Paço de Sousa
This property offers a tranquil retreat immerse in green surroundings, in Paço de Sousa. Quinta do Lobo Branco features an outdoor swimming pool, yoga and meditation sessions... view more
€ 70
More Hotels »

Paredes Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Paredes and its surroundings.

Facho 3.2 kmSerra de São Tiago 4.8 kmViso Alto 5.5 km
Monte do Fogo 5.7 kmAlto da Cruz 6.3 kmPenedo Alto 6.8 km
Monte Alto 7 kmSerra de Luzim 7.2 kmAlto de Moinhos 7.8 km
Alto do Picoto 8.8 kmCaíde 9.7 kmAlto do Pico 10.2 km
Alto da Feiteira 10.8 kmAlto da Serra 10.8 kmPico Alto 11 km
Raposeira 11.2 kmSerra de Santo Antoninho 11.5 kmMonte do Telégrafo 11.8 km
Sarnadas 12.2 kmAlto do Marco 12.2 kmSerra dos Campelos 12.5 km
Pena 12.6 kmSerra de Pias 12.8 kmAlto da Bouça do Rego 12.9 km
Alto da Senhora 12.9 kmAlto do Picoto 13 kmSerra de Santa Iria 13.2 km
Alto de São Jorge 13.3 kmSerra do Castiçal 13.8 kmSerra da Lousada 14.1 km

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