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  11. Baia Sprie

Baia Sprie

Baia Sprie Localisation : Country Romania, Județ Maramureș.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Şişeşti, Groşi and Dumbrăviţa.


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Baia Sprie Administration

Baia Sprie Post code435100
Baia Sprie MayorDorin Vasile Pașca

Baia Sprie Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Baia Sprie? Here are all the details of Baia Sprie available below.

Baia Sprie Postal addressP-ţa Libertăţii, nr. 4
435100 Baia Sprie
Baia Sprie Phone number0262 262 303
International: +40 262 262 303
Baia Sprie Fax number0262 260 059
International: +40 262 260 059
Baia Sprie Email addressNot available
Baia Sprie Websitewww.baiasprie.com
Baia Sprie Birth certificate, Baia Sprie Death certificate

Baia Sprie Demography

Information on the people and the population of Baia Sprie.

Baia Sprie Population16,609 inhabitants
Baia Sprie Population Density173.0 /km² (448.1 /sq mi)

Baia Sprie Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Baia Sprie.

Baia Sprie Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.6608, Longitude: 23.6886
47° 39′ 39″ North, 23° 41′ 19″ East
Baia Sprie Area9,600 hectares
96.00 km² (37.07 sq mi)
Baia Sprie Altitude351 m (1,152 ft)
Baia Sprie ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Baia Sprie Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Baia Sprie and the biggest cities of Romania.

Bucharest 405 kmIași 299 kmCluj-Napoca 100 km closest
Timişoara 284 kmConstanța 545 kmCraiova 371 km
Galați 414 kmBrașov 267 kmPloiești 352 km
Brăila 422 kmOradea 148 kmDobreşti 309 km

Baia Sprie Map

Locate simply the city of Baia Sprie through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Baia Sprie Nearby cities and villages

Şişeşti 3.6 kmGroşi 7.3 kmDumbrăviţa 7.6 km
Baia Mare 9.2 kmSăcălăşeni 12.9 kmRecea 13.7 km
Cavnic 14.2 kmColtău 14.6 kmCoaş 15.9 km
Tăuţii-Măgherăuş 16.2 kmCerneşti 17.1 kmCopalnic-Mănăştur 17.3 km

Baia Sprie Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Baia Sprie has international agreements with its different pairings.

Baia Sprie Zone

Time zone of Baia Sprie.

Baia Sprie Local time
Baia Sprie Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Bucharest)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Baia Sprie Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Baia Sprie.

Baia Sprie Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Baia Sprie.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
21 March05:25 - 11:32 - 17:3904:54 - 18:0904:18 - 18:46 03:41 - 19:23
22 March05:23 - 11:32 - 17:4004:52 - 18:1104:16 - 18:47 03:38 - 19:25
23 March05:21 - 11:31 - 17:4204:50 - 18:1204:14 - 18:49 03:36 - 19:27
24 March05:19 - 11:31 - 17:4304:48 - 18:1404:12 - 18:50 03:34 - 19:28
25 March05:17 - 11:31 - 17:4404:46 - 18:1504:09 - 18:52 03:31 - 19:30
26 March05:15 - 11:30 - 17:4604:44 - 18:1704:07 - 18:53 03:29 - 19:32
27 March05:13 - 11:30 - 17:4704:42 - 18:1804:05 - 18:55 03:27 - 19:33

Baia Sprie Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Baia Sprie classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Pensiunea VladPensiunea Vlad

At the foothills of Gutai Mountains and 7 km from Suior Ski Slope, Pensiunea Vlad features ski equipment rental. Shuttle service from the train station and airport in Baia Mare, 17 km away, is for free. Wi-Fi is also free of charge... view more
€ 35
Hotel Pensiunea RusticPensiunea Rustic

Pensiunea Rustic is on the edge of Baia Sprie, 2 km from Suior Ski Slope, and offers a large garden with seasonal pool and deck chairs, a restaurant with a bar, and sauna facilities. Free Wi-Fi is provided in the entire building... view more
€ 23
Hotel Pensiunea css Baia SpriePensiunea css Baia Sprie
Pensiunea css Baia Sprie is located 6 km from the Suior Ski Area and offers free WiFi, a fitness centre, free private parking and a terrace with barbecue facilities... view more
€ 32
Hotel Pension Casa OlaruluiPension Casa Olarului

Set in the historic quarter of Baia Sprie, Pension Casa Olarului is surrounded by a garden. Guests can experience the traditional ceramic pottery crafts at the on-site pottery school. The first class is free... view more
€ 23
Hotel Pension VerdePension Verde

This guest house offers rooms with a balcony and is situated on a hill which features scenic views over Baia Sprie. Verde has a spacious terrace with barbecue facilities. Guests benefit from free Wi-Fi and free private on-site parking... view more
€ 24
More Hotels »

Baia Sprie Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Baia Sprie and its surroundings.

Baia Sprie Page

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DB-City.comBaia Sprie 4.2/5 (2021-04-08 13:36:17)