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  11. Chigorodó


Chigorodó Localisation : Country Colombia, Department Antioquia.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Carepa.


Find all the information of Chigorodó or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Chigorodó Administration

Chigorodó Code05172
Chigorodó Post code57417
Chigorodó MayorEdgar Payares Berrio

Chigorodó Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Chigorodó? Here are all the details of Chigorodó available below.

Chigorodó Postal addressCalle Santander carrera 100 #104A-08
Chigorodó Phone number4825 3630
International: +57 4825 3630
Chigorodó Fax number4825 3868
International: +57 4825 3868
Chigorodó Email address[email protected]
Chigorodó Websitechigorodo-antioquia.gov.co
Other informationMunicipios de Colombia : Chigorodó
Chigorodó Birth certificate, Chigorodó Death certificate

Chigorodó Demography

Information on the people and the population of Chigorodó.

Chigorodó Population59,597 inhabitants
Chigorodó Population Density96.9 /km² (251.0 /sq mi)

Chigorodó Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Chigorodó.

Chigorodó Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 7.667, Longitude: -76.683
7° 40′ 1″ North, 76° 40′ 59″ West
Chigorodó Area61,500 hectares
615.00 km² (237.45 sq mi)
Chigorodó Altitude25 m (82 ft)
Chigorodó ClimateTropical rainforest climate (Köppen climate classification: Af)

Chigorodó Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Chigorodó and the biggest cities of Colombia.

Bogotá 446 kmMedellín 203 km closestCali 473 km
Barranquilla 424 kmCartagena 331 kmCúcuta 462 km
Ibagué 395 kmBucaramanga 398 kmPasto 723 km
Soledad 419 kmPereira 336 kmSanta Marta 482 km

Chigorodó Map

Locate simply the city of Chigorodó through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Chigorodó Nearby cities and villages

Carepa 9.9 km

Chigorodó Zone

Time zone of Chigorodó.

Chigorodó Local time
Chigorodó Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Bogota)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Chigorodó Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Chigorodó.

Chigorodó Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Chigorodó.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
31 March13:04 - 19:10 - 01:1612:44 - 01:3712:19 - 02:01 11:55 - 02:26
1 April13:04 - 19:10 - 01:1612:43 - 01:3712:19 - 02:01 11:54 - 02:26
2 April13:03 - 19:10 - 01:1612:43 - 01:3712:18 - 02:01 11:54 - 02:26
3 April13:03 - 19:09 - 01:1612:42 - 01:3712:18 - 02:01 11:53 - 02:26
4 April13:02 - 19:09 - 01:1612:41 - 01:3712:17 - 02:01 11:53 - 02:26
5 April13:02 - 19:09 - 01:1612:41 - 01:3712:17 - 02:01 11:52 - 02:26
6 April13:01 - 19:09 - 01:1612:40 - 01:3712:16 - 02:01 11:51 - 02:26

Chigorodó Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Chigorodó classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Las 4 EstacionesHotel Las 4 Estaciones
Cabo de hornos
Located 900 metres from the bus terminal station and a 5-minute walk from Plaza del Río commercial centre, Hotel Las 4 Estaciones offers free Wi-Fi and 24-hour front desk assistance in Cabo de Hornos... view more
Hotel Hostel KatamaranHostel Katamaran
Rooms with private balconies and sea views can be enjoyed in Capurganá, right by the pier and only 100 metres from the beach. Guests can relax on the hammocks and enjoy regional dishes by the palm trees with panoramic sea views... view more
Hotel Hostal Miramar CapurganáHostal Miramar Capurganá
Practical rooms with free Wi-Fi can be enjoyed in Capurganá, only 500 metres from the beach. Hostal Miramar Capurganá is only a 10-minute drive from Narcisa Navas International Airport... view more
Hotel Hostal CapurganaHostal Capurgana

Located 10 metres from Caleta beach, Hostal Capurgana features a garden and a regional restaurant in Capurganá. Free Wi-Fi and breakfast are provided. Providing a tranquil environment, the rooms in Hostal Capurgana have private bathrooms... view more
Hotel Cabaña TucanCabaña Tucan
Surrounded by tropical gardens, Cabaña Tucan offers a restaurant, a shared lounge area and functional rooms with private balconies. The centre of Capurganá is a 15-minute walk away. All rooms at the Cabaña Tucan offer garden views, a fan and a desk... view more
More Hotels »

Chigorodó Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Chigorodó and its surroundings.

Escuela Agropecuaría Chigorodó 2 kmHacienda Montecristo 2.1 kmHacienda La Rivera 2.6 km
Hacienda Los Patos 2.8 kmFinca de Burgos 2.9 kmGanadería Santillana 3.2 km
Hacienda Clarita 5.2 kmHacienda El Eden 5.2 kmHacienda Las Dalias 5.6 km
Hacienda Blanca Y Roja 6.6 kmVereda La Cadena 9.6 kmHacienda El Roble 10.8 km
Hacienda Lituania 11 kmHacienda Carepa 11.1 kmHacienda Guapá 13.7 km
Hacienda El Carmen 14 kmFrutera de Sevilla 14.6 kmHacienda La Linda 14.7 km
Vereda Viejo Esteban 15.8 kmHacienda El Caribe 15.8 kmBananera Santillana 16.7 km
Vereda Zungo 18.6 kmHacienda California 19.4 kmFinca Pan Gordito 20.4 km
Vereda Churido 21 kmVereda Vijagual 21.1 kmHacienda La Rosita 21.1 km
Hacienda La Primavera 21.3 kmBananeras Las Haches 21.7 kmHacienda El Tagual 21.9 km

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