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  11. Patia


Patia Localisation : Country Colombia, Department Cauca.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Sucre and Bolívar.


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Patia Administration

Patia Code19532
Patia Post code195509
Patia MayorOrlando Muñoz Martinez

Patia Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Patia? Here are all the details of Patia available below.

Patia Postal addressCarrera 3 No. 4-67
Patia Phone number2826 1024
International: +57 2826 1024
Patia Fax number2826 1024
International: +57 2826 1024
Patia Email address[email protected]
Patia Websitepatia-cauca.gov.co
Other informationMunicipios de Colombia : Patía
Patia Birth certificate, Patia Death certificate

Patia Demography

Information on the people and the population of Patia.

Patia Population33,195 inhabitants
Patia Population Density45.9 /km² (118.9 /sq mi)

Patia Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Patia.

Patia Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 2.117, Longitude: -76.983
2° 7′ 1″ North, 76° 58′ 59″ West
Patia Area72,300 hectares
723.00 km² (279.15 sq mi)
Patia Altitude990 m (3,248 ft)
Patia ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Patia Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Patia and the biggest cities of Colombia.

Bogotá 425 kmMedellín 483 kmCali 154 km
Barranquilla 1017 kmCartagena 937 kmCúcuta 813 km
Ibagué 324 kmBucaramanga 702 kmPasto 107 km closest
Soledad 1010 kmPereira 333 kmSanta Marta 1060 km

Patia Map

Locate simply the city of Patia through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Patia Nearby cities and villages

Sucre 11 kmBolívar 16.8 km

Patia Zone

Time zone of Patia.

Patia Local time
Patia Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Bogota)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Patia Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Patia.

Patia Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Patia.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
1 February12:20 - 18:21 - 00:2211:59 - 00:4411:33 - 01:09 11:08 - 01:34
2 February12:20 - 18:21 - 00:2211:59 - 00:4411:34 - 01:09 11:09 - 01:34
3 February12:20 - 18:21 - 00:2211:59 - 00:4411:34 - 01:09 11:09 - 01:34
4 February12:20 - 18:21 - 00:2211:59 - 00:4411:34 - 01:09 11:09 - 01:34
5 February12:20 - 18:21 - 00:2311:59 - 00:4411:34 - 01:09 11:09 - 01:34
6 February12:20 - 18:22 - 00:2311:59 - 00:4411:34 - 01:09 11:09 - 01:34
7 February12:20 - 18:22 - 00:2311:59 - 00:4411:34 - 01:09 11:09 - 01:34

Patia Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Patia classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel La PlazuelaHotel La Plazuela
Featuring an on-site regional restaurant, Hotel La Plazuela offers free Wi-Fi and American breakfast in Popayan. Caldas square is 100 metres from the property. 24-hour front desk assistance is offered... view more
Hotel Hotel Dann MonasterioHotel Dann Monasterio

In a renovated Franciscan convent from 1570, this luxurious hotel boasts an outdoor swimming pool, charming Spanish galleries and a central courtyard with a water fountain. There are spa and gym facilities. Wi-Fi is free... view more
Hotel Hostel CaldasHostel Caldas
Practical rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered in Popoyán 50 metres from Caldas Park. There are shared kitchen facilities and the hotel offers complimentary coffee around the clock. Hostel Caldas has rooms with shared and private bathrooms... view more
Hotel Hotel Camino Real Popayán ColombiaHotel Camino Real Popayán Colombia

Boasting a central courtyard with a fountain, Camino Real Popayan offers rooms in a Colonial-style construction located in the historic district. Wi-Fi is free and there is a daily American breakfast... view more
Hotel Hotel Boutique Confort SuitesHotel Boutique Confort Suites

Conveniently located on a quiet street in Popayan´s historical centre, Confort offers elegant rooms with LCD cable TV and free Wi-Fi. It features a restaurant, tour desk and free parking... view more
More Hotels »

Patia Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Patia and its surroundings.

Cerro de Lerma 14 kmVereda Romerillos 14.1 kmVereda Tambores 16.9 km
Cerro Pelado 17.5 kmCuchilla Peñas Blancas 17.7 kmCerro Tamboral 18.9 km
Cerro Gacho 20.4 kmCerro Alonso 20.8 kmCerro Don Alonso 20.8 km
Cerro Don Aloso 20.8 kmMontaña de Encinal 21.1 kmMontaña del Enchinar 21.1 km
Cuchilla El Páramo 21.7 kmLoma Pendito 22 kmLoma Peña Blanca 23.1 km
Cerro Negro 24.2 kmCerro Guayas 24.9 kmCerro Guavas 24.9 km
Cerro Guabas 24.9 kmVereda El Guadual 25 kmCuchilla El Tablón 25.8 km
Cerro El Arbolito 25.8 kmCuchilla Llano Blanco 25.9 kmVereda Ojo de Agua 26.2 km
Vereda El Cocal 26.4 kmResguardo Indígena Pancitara 26.6 kmVereda Ledesma 27.5 km
Vereda Juan Ruiz 28.5 kmVereda Garganzal 28.6 kmCerro Bolívar 28.9 km

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