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Distraction Localisation : Country Colombia, Department La Guajira.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Fonseca, Barrancas and San Juan del Cesar.


Find all the information of Distraction or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

DepartmentLa Guajira

Distraction Administration

Distraction Code44098
Distraction Post code444001
Distraction MayorPedro Javier Guerra Chinchia

Distraction Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Distraction? Here are all the details of Distraction available below.

Distraction Postal addresscalle 11 No. 16A - 29
Distraction Phone number5775 6237
International: +57 5775 6237
Distraction Fax number5775 6226
International: +57 5775 6226
Distraction Email address[email protected]
Distraction Websitedistraccion-laguajira.gov.co
Other informationMunicipios de Colombia : Distracción
Distraction Birth certificate, Distraction Death certificate

Distraction Demography

Information on the people and the population of Distraction.

Distraction Population12,023 inhabitants
Distraction Population Density51.8 /km² (134.2 /sq mi)

Distraction Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Distraction.

Distraction Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 10.9, Longitude: -72.883
10° 54′ 0″ North, 72° 52′ 59″ West
Distraction Area23,200 hectares
232.00 km² (89.58 sq mi)
Distraction Altitude193 m (633 ft)
Distraction ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Distraction Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Distraction and the biggest cities of Colombia.

Bogotá 713 kmMedellín 599 kmCali 924 km
Barranquilla 209 kmCartagena 292 kmCúcuta 337 km
Ibagué 765 kmBucaramanga 422 kmPasto 1184 km
Soledad 204 kmPereira 745 kmSanta Marta 149 km closest

Distraction Map

Locate simply the city of Distraction through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Distraction Nearby cities and villages

Fonseca 4.1 kmBarrancas 11.9 kmSan Juan del Cesar 19.3 km

Distraction Zone

Time zone of Distraction.

Distraction Local time
Distraction Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Bogota)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Distraction Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Distraction.

Distraction Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Distraction.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
26 January12:15 - 18:04 - 23:5311:53 - 00:1511:27 - 00:40 11:02 - 01:06
27 January12:15 - 18:04 - 23:5311:53 - 00:1511:27 - 00:41 11:02 - 01:06
28 January12:15 - 18:04 - 23:5311:53 - 00:1511:27 - 00:41 11:02 - 01:06
29 January12:15 - 18:04 - 23:5411:53 - 00:1611:27 - 00:41 11:02 - 01:07
30 January12:15 - 18:04 - 23:5411:53 - 00:1611:27 - 00:42 11:02 - 01:07
31 January12:15 - 18:05 - 23:5511:53 - 00:1611:27 - 00:42 11:02 - 01:07
1 February12:14 - 18:05 - 23:5511:53 - 00:1711:27 - 00:42 11:02 - 01:07

Distraction Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Distraction classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Arisuan HotelArisuan Hotel

San Juan del Cesar
Boasting an outdoor swimming pool and chic décor, Arisuan Hotel has bright rooms with private balconies and mountain views in San Juan del Cesar. Wi-Fi is free and a daily breakfast is offered... view more
Hotel Hotel Casa MurilloHotel Casa Murillo
San Juan del Cesar
Comfortable rooms with balconies and free Wi-Fi are offered in San Juan del Cesar, 300 metres from the commercial area. A daily breakfast is offered. Hotel Casa Murillo’s rooms feature flat-screen cable TV and private bathrooms with showers... view more
More Hotels »

Distraction Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Distraction and its surroundings.

Vocacional Agrícola de Varones 2.7 kmLoma El Tablazo 5.2 kmLoma Pozo de Barro 5.9 km
Cerro Boca de la Rosa 7.5 kmAlto Los Tocos 8.1 kmCuchilla San Luis 9.2 km
Loma Matarredonda 10.5 kmLoma Matarrodonda 10.5 kmCuchilla El Tigre 10.7 km
Filo Las Pegaduras 11 kmSacos 11.9 kmLoma La Palma 12.8 km
Cerro de Zambrano 13.2 kmCuchilla El Palmar 13.5 kmLomas de Potrerito 13.9 km
Cuchilla El Chorro 14 kmLa Palma 14.2 kmCerro Emboscado 14.5 km
Cerro Embocado 14.5 kmCerro del Monte 15.1 kmCuchilla Majagülla 15.8 km
Cuchilla Majagüita 15.8 kmSabanas de Viejo Pinto 16.9 kmLoma del Hatico 17.1 km
Cerro Toco 18.3 kmCerro La Mangaga 18.5 kmAlto Las Cabeceras 18.9 km
Loma La Laguna 19.2 kmLomas de Potrerito 19.3 kmCerro Guayacanes 19.4 km

Distraction Page

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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page