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Country | Guatemala |
Department | Chimaltenango |
Chimaltenango Administration
Chimaltenango Post code | 04001 |
Chimaltenango Mayor | Carlos Simaj |
Chimaltenango Demography
Information on the people and the population of Chimaltenango.
Chimaltenango Population | 43,900 inhabitants |
Chimaltenango Population Density | 510.5 /km² (1,322.1 /sq mi) |
Chimaltenango Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Chimaltenango.
Chimaltenango Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 14.6622, Longitude: -90.8208 14° 39′ 44″ North, 90° 49′ 15″ West |
Chimaltenango Area | 8,600 hectares 86.00 km² (33.20 sq mi) |
Chimaltenango Altitude | 1,800 m (5,905 ft) |
Chimaltenango Climate | Tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw) |
Chimaltenango Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Chimaltenango and the biggest cities of Guatemala.
Guatemala 31 km | Villa Nueva 28 km | Mixco 22 km |
Cobán 104 km | Coatepeque 113 km | San Pedro Carchá 106 km |
Quetzaltenango 77 km | San Juan Sacatepéquez 20 km closest | Escuintla 41 km |
Jutiapa 108 km | Flores 272 km | Momostenango 76 km |
Chimaltenango Map
Locate simply the city of Chimaltenango through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Chimaltenango Nearby cities and villages
El Tejar 2.6 km | San Andrés Itzapa 6 km | Parramos 6.4 km |
Zaragoza 7.6 km | Sumpango 9.4 km | Pastores 10.2 km |
San Juan Comalapa 10.4 km | Santa Cruz Balanyá 11 km | Jocotenango 11.8 km |
Patzicía 11.8 km | Santo Domingo Xenacoj 12.5 km | Santa Catarina Barahona 13.1 km |
Chimaltenango Zone
Time zone of Chimaltenango.
Chimaltenango Local time | |
Chimaltenango Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/Guatemala) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Chimaltenango Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Chimaltenango.
Chimaltenango Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Chimaltenango.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 13:31 - 19:11 - 00:51 | 13:08 - 01:14 | 12:42 - 01:40 | 12:15 - 02:06 |
12 January | 13:31 - 19:11 - 00:51 | 13:08 - 01:14 | 12:42 - 01:41 | 12:16 - 02:07 |
13 January | 13:31 - 19:12 - 00:52 | 13:08 - 01:15 | 12:42 - 01:41 | 12:16 - 02:07 |
14 January | 13:31 - 19:12 - 00:53 | 13:09 - 01:15 | 12:42 - 01:42 | 12:16 - 02:08 |
15 January | 13:32 - 19:12 - 00:53 | 13:09 - 01:16 | 12:43 - 01:42 | 12:16 - 02:08 |
16 January | 13:32 - 19:13 - 00:54 | 13:09 - 01:16 | 12:43 - 01:43 | 12:17 - 02:09 |
17 January | 13:32 - 19:13 - 00:54 | 13:09 - 01:17 | 12:43 - 01:43 | 12:17 - 02:09 |
Chimaltenango Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Chimaltenango classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Cuscatlan Antigua Guatemala Located a 3-minute walk from Los Llanos Bus Station, Hotel Cuscatlan offers functional rooms with flat-screen TV and free Wi-Fi. The beautiful historic city of Antigua Guatemala is just 3 km away... view more | from GTQ 250 | |
Filadelfia Coffee Resort Antigua Guatemala Filadelfia Coffee Resort is a historic coffee plantation located 150 metres from San Felipe Chapel, in Antigua Guatemala. Guests enjoy free access to the property’s swimming pool, hot tub, tennis courts and gym... view more | from GTQ 1200 | |
Hotel Vista a los Volcanes Antigua Guatemala Hotel Vista a los Volcanes is located in front of San Sebastián Park and 1.2 km from Antigua City Centre. Free Wi-Fi access is available throughout and rustic décor and wooden furniture are features... view more | ||
Hotel Posada Santa Teresita Antigua Guatemala Hotel Posada Santa Teresita is located 1 km from the Antigua’s Central Park and from the San José Church. It features free Wi-Fi throughout, volcano views and a furnished terrace... view more | from GTQ 200 | |
Hostal 25 Antigua Guatemala Hostal 25 is a comfortable property that offers free Wi-Fi access, terraces and an atrium with hammocks. The front desk operates 24 hours a day and it also has a garden. The rooms at this hostel may be private or shared... view more | from GTQ 75 | |
More Hotels » |
Chimaltenango Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Chimaltenango and its surroundings.
Chimaltenango Page
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