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  11. Chimaltenango


Chimaltenango Localisation : Country Guatemala, Department Chimaltenango.
Available Information : Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : El Tejar, San Andrés Itzapa and Parramos.


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Chimaltenango Administration

Chimaltenango Post code04001
Chimaltenango MayorCarlos Simaj

Chimaltenango Demography

Information on the people and the population of Chimaltenango.

Chimaltenango Population43,900 inhabitants
Chimaltenango Population Density510.5 /km² (1,322.1 /sq mi)

Chimaltenango Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Chimaltenango.

Chimaltenango Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 14.6622, Longitude: -90.8208
14° 39′ 44″ North, 90° 49′ 15″ West
Chimaltenango Area8,600 hectares
86.00 km² (33.20 sq mi)
Chimaltenango Altitude1,800 m (5,905 ft)
Chimaltenango ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Chimaltenango Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Chimaltenango and the biggest cities of Guatemala.

Chimaltenango Map

Locate simply the city of Chimaltenango through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Chimaltenango Nearby cities and villages

Chimaltenango Zone

Time zone of Chimaltenango.

Chimaltenango Local time
Chimaltenango Time zoneUTC -6:00 (America/Guatemala)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Chimaltenango Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Chimaltenango.

Chimaltenango Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Chimaltenango.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
11 January13:31 - 19:11 - 00:5113:08 - 01:1412:42 - 01:40 12:15 - 02:06
12 January13:31 - 19:11 - 00:5113:08 - 01:1412:42 - 01:41 12:16 - 02:07
13 January13:31 - 19:12 - 00:5213:08 - 01:1512:42 - 01:41 12:16 - 02:07
14 January13:31 - 19:12 - 00:5313:09 - 01:1512:42 - 01:42 12:16 - 02:08
15 January13:32 - 19:12 - 00:5313:09 - 01:1612:43 - 01:42 12:16 - 02:08
16 January13:32 - 19:13 - 00:5413:09 - 01:1612:43 - 01:43 12:17 - 02:09
17 January13:32 - 19:13 - 00:5413:09 - 01:1712:43 - 01:43 12:17 - 02:09

Chimaltenango Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Chimaltenango classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel CuscatlanHotel Cuscatlan

Antigua Guatemala
Located a 3-minute walk from Los Llanos Bus Station, Hotel Cuscatlan offers functional rooms with flat-screen TV and free Wi-Fi. The beautiful historic city of Antigua Guatemala is just 3 km away... view more
GTQ 250
Hotel Filadelfia Coffee ResortFiladelfia Coffee Resort

Antigua Guatemala
Filadelfia Coffee Resort is a historic coffee plantation located 150 metres from San Felipe Chapel, in Antigua Guatemala. Guests enjoy free access to the property’s swimming pool, hot tub, tennis courts and gym... view more
GTQ 1200
Hotel Hotel Vista a los VolcanesHotel Vista a los Volcanes
Antigua Guatemala
Hotel Vista a los Volcanes is located in front of San Sebastián Park and 1.2 km from Antigua City Centre. Free Wi-Fi access is available throughout and rustic décor and wooden furniture are features... view more
Hotel Hotel Posada Santa TeresitaHotel Posada Santa Teresita

Antigua Guatemala
Hotel Posada Santa Teresita is located 1 km from the Antigua’s Central Park and from the San José Church. It features free Wi-Fi throughout, volcano views and a furnished terrace... view more
GTQ 200
Hotel Hostal 25Hostal 25

Antigua Guatemala
Hostal 25 is a comfortable property that offers free Wi-Fi access, terraces and an atrium with hammocks. The front desk operates 24 hours a day and it also has a garden. The rooms at this hostel may be private or shared... view more
GTQ 75
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Chimaltenango Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Chimaltenango and its surroundings.

Chimaltenango Page

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DB-City.comChimaltenango 3.8/5 (2021-08-26 17:01:52)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page