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  11. Melchor de Mencos

Melchor de Mencos

Melchor de Mencos Localisation : Country Guatemala, Department Peten.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Benque Viejo del Carmen, San Jose Succotz and Bullet Tree Falls.


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Melchor de Mencos Administration

Melchor de Mencos Post code17011

Melchor de Mencos Demography

Information on the people and the population of Melchor de Mencos.

Melchor de Mencos Population20,273 inhabitants
Melchor de Mencos Population Density9.7 /km² (25.0 /sq mi)

Melchor de Mencos Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Melchor de Mencos.

Melchor de Mencos Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 17.0667, Longitude: -89.15
17° 4′ 0″ North, 89° 9′ 0″ West
Melchor de Mencos Area209,800 hectares
2,098.00 km² (810.04 sq mi)
Melchor de Mencos Altitude95 m (312 ft)
Melchor de Mencos ClimateMonsoon (Köppen climate classification: Am)

Melchor de Mencos Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Melchor de Mencos and the biggest cities of Guatemala.

Guatemala 310 kmVilla Nueva 322 kmMixco 313 km
Cobán 219 kmCoatepeque 392 kmSan Pedro Carchá 216 km
Quetzaltenango 355 kmSan Juan Sacatepéquez 306 kmEscuintla 355 km
Jutiapa 319 kmFlores 79 km closestMomostenango 330 km

Melchor de Mencos Map

Locate simply the city of Melchor de Mencos through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Melchor de Mencos Nearby cities and villages

Melchor de Mencos Zone

Time zone of Melchor de Mencos.

Melchor de Mencos Local time
Melchor de Mencos Time zoneUTC -6:00 (America/Guatemala)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Melchor de Mencos Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Melchor de Mencos.

Melchor de Mencos Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Melchor de Mencos.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 February13:25 - 19:10 - 00:5513:03 - 01:1812:37 - 01:43 12:12 - 02:09
9 February13:25 - 19:10 - 00:5613:02 - 01:1812:37 - 01:44 12:11 - 02:09
10 February13:24 - 19:10 - 00:5613:02 - 01:1812:36 - 01:44 12:11 - 02:10
11 February13:24 - 19:10 - 00:5713:02 - 01:1912:36 - 01:45 12:11 - 02:10
12 February13:23 - 19:10 - 00:5713:01 - 01:1912:36 - 01:45 12:10 - 02:10
13 February13:23 - 19:10 - 00:5813:01 - 01:2012:35 - 01:45 12:10 - 02:11
14 February13:22 - 19:10 - 00:5813:00 - 01:2012:35 - 01:46 12:09 - 02:11

Melchor de Mencos Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Melchor de Mencos classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Jaguar Inn TikalHotel Jaguar Inn Tikal

Hotel Jaguar Inn Tikal is located inside the Tikal National Park surrounded by the jungle and 10 minutes’ walk from the Tikal Mayan Ruins. It features free Wi-Fi at the restaurant and archaeological tours... view more
GTQ 389
Hotel Hotel Camino Real TikalHotel Camino Real Tikal

This charming hotel is located in northern Guatemala’s Petén Jungle, on the shores of Lake Petén. It offers fantastic trips to the Mayan Ruins of the Tikal National Park. Hotel Camino Real Tikal has an outdoor pool, hot tub and Temazcal spa... view more
GTQ 1064
Hotel Hotel y Restaurante Santa IsabelHotel y Restaurante Santa Isabel

El Chal
Offering an outdoor swimming pool with a water park and a garden, Hotel y Restaurante Santa Isabel is located in Petén. Free Wi-Fi access and free parking are available... view more
GTQ 351
Hotel Las Lagunas Boutique HotelLas Lagunas Boutique Hotel

Offering a sun terrace with swimming pool, views of the Exequil Lagoon, a heliport and wooden décor, this boutique hotel is 10 minutes’ drive from the Mundo Maya International Airport... view more
GTQ 2167
Hotel Villa MayaVilla Maya

This elegant hotel is located within a tropical estate, on the edge of the Petenchel and Monifata Lagoons. White-tailed deer and peccaries are bred in the grounds, and the hotel features an outdoor pool... view more
GTQ 952
More Hotels »

Melchor de Mencos Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Melchor de Mencos and its surroundings.

Melchor de Mencos Page

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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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