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  11. Ciudad de la Costa

Ciudad de la Costa

Ciudad de la Costa Localisation : Country Uruguay, Department Canelones.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Nicolich, Barros Blancos and Paso Carrasco.


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Ciudad de la Costa Administration

Ciudad de la Costa MayorSonia Valentina Misirian

Ciudad de la Costa Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Ciudad de la Costa? Here are all the details of Ciudad de la Costa available below.

Ciudad de la Costa Postal addressAvda. Giannattasio Km 21
15000 Ciudad de la Costa
Ciudad de la Costa Phone number26821882
Ciudad de la Costa Email address[email protected]
Ciudad de la Costa Websiteciudaddelacosta.imcanelones.gub.uy/
Other informationMunicipios de Uruguay : Ciudad de la Costa
Ciudad de la Costa Birth certificate, Ciudad de la Costa Death certificate

Ciudad de la Costa Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ciudad de la Costa.

Ciudad de la Costa Population91,284 inhabitants
Ciudad de la Costa Population Density1,494.0 /km² (3,869.5 /sq mi)

Ciudad de la Costa Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ciudad de la Costa.

Ciudad de la Costa Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -34.8167, Longitude: -55.95
34° 49′ 0″ South, 55° 57′ 0″ West
Ciudad de la Costa Area6,110 hectares
61.10 km² (23.59 sq mi)
Ciudad de la Costa Altitude12 m (39 ft)

Ciudad de la Costa Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ciudad de la Costa and the biggest cities of Uruguay.

Montevideo 21 km closestSalto 425 kmMaldonado 91 km
Rivera 437 kmPaysandú 341 kmLas Piedras 27 km
Durazno 168 kmTacuarembó 345 kmMelo 318 km
Minas 83 kmMercedes 259 kmArtigas 487 km

Ciudad de la Costa Map

Locate simply the city of Ciudad de la Costa through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ciudad de la Costa Nearby cities and villages

Nicolich 6.8 kmBarros Blancos 8.5 kmPaso Carrasco 9.3 km
Pando 11.2 kmSalinas 11.3 kmSuárez 12.2 km
Empalme Olmos 14.4 kmToledo 16.3 kmAtlántida 18 km

Ciudad de la Costa Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Ciudad de la Costa has international agreements with its different pairings.

Ciudad de la Costa Zone

Time zone of Ciudad de la Costa.

Ciudad de la Costa Local time
Ciudad de la Costa Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo)
Summer time UTC -3:00
Winter time UTC -2:00

Ciudad de la Costa Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ciudad de la Costa.

Ciudad de la Costa Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ciudad de la Costa.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
9 January09:41 - 16:51 - 00:0109:12 - 00:2908:36 - 01:05 07:57 - 01:44
10 January09:42 - 16:51 - 00:0009:13 - 00:2908:37 - 01:05 07:58 - 01:44
11 January09:42 - 16:51 - 00:0009:14 - 00:2908:38 - 01:05 07:59 - 01:43
12 January09:43 - 16:52 - 00:0009:15 - 00:2908:39 - 01:04 08:01 - 01:43
13 January09:44 - 16:52 - 00:0009:16 - 00:2908:40 - 01:04 08:02 - 01:42
14 January09:45 - 16:52 - 00:0009:17 - 00:2808:41 - 01:04 08:03 - 01:42
15 January09:46 - 16:53 - 23:5909:18 - 00:2808:43 - 01:03 08:05 - 01:41

Ciudad de la Costa Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ciudad de la Costa classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Costa RoomsCosta Rooms
Ciudad de la Costa
Located 50 metres from El Pinar Beach, Costa Rooms offers self-catering accommodation with free Wi-Fi in Montevideo. A fitness centre and a garden are featured. El Pinar commercial centre is a 2-minute drive away... view more
$US 320
Hotel Sagitario IISagitario II
Ciudad de la Costa
This fully furnished house surrounded by garden is located only 500 metres from Shangrilá Beach in Ciudad de la Costa. Montevideo City is 15 km away. Wi-Fi is free. Sagitario II will provide you with a TV and a seating area... view more
$US 60
Hotel Sagitario ISagitario I
Ciudad de la Costa
A fully furnished 3-bedroom house with a garden is offered in a quiet area of Canelones. Shangrila Beach is 500 metres away. Montevideo is a 30-minute drive away, whereas Punta del Este is 100 km from Sagitario I. Atlantida is 30 km away... view more
$US 75
Hotel Hostería del LagoHostería del Lago

An outdoor swimming pool and an extensive garden with access to the lake can be enjoyed in Carrasco, 300 metres from Geant Mall and 2 km from the beach. Wi-Fi and private parking are free... view more
$US 110
Hotel Hotel BahamasHotel Bahamas

Providing a great location 2 blocks from Rambla Costanera's waterfront in Canelones, Bahamas offers bright rooms with modern amenities. It features complimentary Wi-Fi and parking... view more
$US 75
More Hotels »

Ciudad de la Costa Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ciudad de la Costa and its surroundings.

Ciudad de la Costa Page

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DB-City.comCiudad de la Costa 5/5 (2021-12-27 15:12:57)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page