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Minas Administration
Minas Post code | 30000 |
Minas Demography
Information on the people and the population of Minas.
Minas Population | 45,638 inhabitants |
Minas Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Minas.
Minas Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -34.3667, Longitude: -55.2333 34° 22′ 0″ South, 55° 13′ 60″ West |
Minas Altitude | 134 m (440 ft) |
Minas Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Minas and the biggest cities of Uruguay.
Montevideo 103 km | Salto 418 km | Ciudad de la Costa 83 km |
Maldonado 65 km closest | Rivera 387 km | Paysandú 349 km |
Las Piedras 98 km | Durazno 161 km | Tacuarembó 303 km |
Melo 243 km | Mercedes 287 km | Artigas 449 km |
Minas Map
Locate simply the city of Minas through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Minas Nearby cities and villages
Blanes Viale 4.1 km | San Francisco de las Sierras 6.4 km | Estación Solís 19.9 km |
Minas Zone
Time zone of Minas.
Minas Local time | |
Minas Time zone | UTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo) Summer time UTC -3:00 Winter time UTC -2:00 |
Minas Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Minas.
Minas Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Minas.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
7 January | 09:37 - 16:47 - 23:57 | 09:08 - 00:25 | 08:33 - 01:01 | 07:54 - 01:40 |
8 January | 09:38 - 16:47 - 23:57 | 09:09 - 00:25 | 08:34 - 01:01 | 07:55 - 01:39 |
9 January | 09:39 - 16:48 - 23:57 | 09:10 - 00:25 | 08:35 - 01:01 | 07:56 - 01:39 |
10 January | 09:40 - 16:48 - 23:56 | 09:11 - 00:25 | 08:36 - 01:00 | 07:58 - 01:39 |
11 January | 09:41 - 16:49 - 23:56 | 09:12 - 00:25 | 08:37 - 01:00 | 07:59 - 01:38 |
12 January | 09:42 - 16:49 - 23:56 | 09:13 - 00:25 | 08:38 - 01:00 | 08:00 - 01:38 |
13 January | 09:43 - 16:49 - 23:56 | 09:14 - 00:24 | 08:39 - 00:59 | 08:01 - 01:37 |
Minas Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Minas classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Minas Minas Comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered only 3 blocks from Minas's main bus station. The town’s pedestrian street is 50 metres away and private parking is free... view more | from $US 75 | |
La Milagrosa de Las Vertientes San Carlos Offering an outdoor swimming pool and a restaurant, La Milagrosa de Las Vertientes has fully furnished houses surrounded by gardens and lakes in Maldonado. There is an onsite heliport and a tea house. Guests have the option to request half board... view more | from $US 1200 | |
Estancia Aguila Blanca Polanco Set in a ranch featuring a large garden with a pool and BBQ facilities, Estancia Aguila Blanca offers rural accommodation, just a 2 hours’ drive from Montevideo. Horse riding and bird watching activities are provided... view more | from $US 180 | |
Bungalows Bellavista Jaureguiberry Boasting an outdoor and an indoor swimming pool only 100 metres from Bellavista Beach, these fully furnished bungalows feature garden views in Maldonado. There is a terrace with panoramic sea views... view more | from $US 140 | |
Casa Picaflor Jaureguiberry Just 200 metres from Costa de Oro beaches, Picaflor offers fully furnished red-bricked bungalows surrounded by nature. All bungalows have private decks with seating areas. Wi-Fi is free... view more | from $US 119 | |
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Minas Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Minas and its surroundings.
Minas Page
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---|---| | Minas /5 (2021-04-08 13:03:27) |