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Rivera Administration
Rivera Post code | 40000 |
Rivera Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Rivera? Here are all the details of Rivera available below.
Rivera Phone number | Not available |
Rivera Email address | Not available |
Rivera Website | |
Other information | Municipios de Uruguay : Rivera |
Rivera Birth certificate, Rivera Death certificate |
Rivera Demography
Information on the people and the population of Rivera.
Rivera Population | 78,900 inhabitants |
Rivera Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Rivera.
Rivera Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -30.9025, Longitude: -55.5506 30° 54′ 9″ South, 55° 33′ 2″ West |
Rivera Altitude | 207 m (679 ft) |
Rivera Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Rivera and the biggest cities of Uruguay.
Montevideo 447 km | Salto 236 km | Ciudad de la Costa 437 km |
Maldonado 449 km | Paysandú 287 km | Las Piedras 429 km |
Durazno 291 km | Tacuarembó 99 km closest | Melo 208 km |
Minas 387 km | Mercedes 351 km | Artigas 100 km |
Rivera Map
Locate simply the city of Rivera through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Rivera Nearby cities and villages
Santana do Livramento 2.3 km | Lagos del Norte 10.2 km |
Rivera Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Rivera has international agreements with its different pairings.
Rivera Zone
Time zone of Rivera.
Rivera Local time | |
Rivera Time zone | UTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo) Summer time UTC -3:00 Winter time UTC -2:00 |
Rivera Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Rivera.
Rivera Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Rivera.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
30 December | 09:41 - 16:45 - 23:48 | 09:13 - 00:16 | 08:40 - 00:50 | 08:03 - 01:26 |
31 December | 09:42 - 16:45 - 23:48 | 09:14 - 00:16 | 08:40 - 00:50 | 08:04 - 01:26 |
1 January | 09:42 - 16:45 - 23:49 | 09:15 - 00:16 | 08:41 - 00:50 | 08:05 - 01:26 |
2 January | 09:43 - 16:46 - 23:49 | 09:16 - 00:16 | 08:42 - 00:50 | 08:06 - 01:26 |
3 January | 09:44 - 16:46 - 23:49 | 09:16 - 00:16 | 08:43 - 00:50 | 08:07 - 01:26 |
4 January | 09:45 - 16:47 - 23:49 | 09:17 - 00:17 | 08:44 - 00:50 | 08:08 - 01:26 |
5 January | 09:45 - 16:47 - 23:49 | 09:18 - 00:17 | 08:44 - 00:50 | 08:09 - 01:26 |
Rivera Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Rivera classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Petit Rivera Hotel Rivera Located 800 metres from the city centre, Petit Rivera Hotel offers free Wi-Fi and a restaurant in Rivera. The main avenue is 400 metres away. Buffet breakfast is included... view more | from $US 74 | |
Posada del Bosque Rivera Posada Del Bosque is set in a large nature area only 3 km from Rivera city centre, and provides simple, spacious accommodation with free Wi-Fi, barbecue facilities and outdoor pool... view more | from $US 59 | |
Hotel Artigas Minas de Corrales In a ranch-inspired property surrounded by a 300 metre landscaped garden with palm trees and a swimming pool in Uruguay, the hotel offers homely-style summer house décor. Wi-Fi is free... view more | from $US 57 | |
Hotel Casino San Eugenio del Cuareim Artigas Boasting on-site casino facilities and air-conditioned rooms with private balconies, the hotel is only 2 blocks from Batlle Square. Wi-Fi is free and there is a gemstone gallery... view more | from $US 70 | |
Altos del Arapey All Inclusive, Golf & Spa Termas del Arapey Tempting guests with an outdoor pool with a swim-up bar, an indoor pool and an 18-hole golf course in front of the hotel, Altos del Arapey All Inclusive Golf & Spa is located in Termas del Arapey. All beverages are included here... view more | from $US 316 | |
More Hotels » |
Rivera Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Rivera and its surroundings.
Serro Trindade 11 km | Coxilha Negra 24 km |
Rivera Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Rivera /5 (2021-04-08 13:03:27) |