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  11. Melo


Melo Localisation : Country Uruguay, Department Cerro Largo.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Barrio López Benítez, Barrio La Vinchuca and La Pedrera.


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Update data

DepartmentCerro Largo

Melo Administration

Melo Post code37000

Melo Demography

Information on the people and the population of Melo.

Melo Population53,245 inhabitants

Melo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Melo.

Melo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -32.3667, Longitude: -54.1833
32° 22′ 0″ South, 54° 10′ 60″ West
Melo Altitude92 m (302 ft)

Melo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Melo and the biggest cities of Uruguay.

Montevideo 335 kmSalto 373 kmCiudad de la Costa 318 km
Maldonado 292 kmRivera 208 kmPaysandú 366 km
Las Piedras 323 kmDurazno 246 kmTacuarembó 185 km closest
Minas 243 kmMercedes 373 kmArtigas 303 km

Melo Map

Locate simply the city of Melo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Melo Nearby cities and villages

Melo Zone

Time zone of Melo.

Melo Local time
Melo Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo)
Summer time UTC -3:00
Winter time UTC -2:00

Melo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Melo.

Melo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Melo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
18 January09:48 - 16:47 - 23:4609:20 - 00:1308:47 - 00:46 08:12 - 01:22
19 January09:49 - 16:47 - 23:4509:21 - 00:1308:48 - 00:46 08:13 - 01:21
20 January09:50 - 16:47 - 23:4509:22 - 00:1208:49 - 00:45 08:14 - 01:20
21 January09:51 - 16:48 - 23:4509:23 - 00:1208:51 - 00:45 08:15 - 01:20
22 January09:52 - 16:48 - 23:4409:25 - 00:1108:52 - 00:44 08:17 - 01:19
23 January09:53 - 16:48 - 23:4409:26 - 00:1108:53 - 00:44 08:18 - 01:18
24 January09:53 - 16:48 - 23:4309:27 - 00:1008:54 - 00:43 08:19 - 01:18

Melo Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Melo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Juana de IbarbourouHotel Juana de Ibarbourou

Named after the renowned poet, Hotel Juana de Ibarbourou features a garden, a restaurant and a fitness centre. It offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and plasma TVs in Melo. Independencia Square is 3 km away... view more
$US 63
Hotel Hotel PatrónHotel Patrón

José Pedro Varela
Featuring a garden, an outdoor pool, and BBQ facilities, Hotel Patrón offers free Wi-Fi and 24-hour front desk assistance in José Pedro Varela. The main square is 150 metres away... view more
$US 60
Hotel Estancia Los PlátanosEstancia Los Plátanos
Featuring a garden and a library, this 1850 guest house offers cooking workshops and activities for children. Activities in the area such as horse riding and hiking can be arranged. The rooms in Estancia Los Plátanos feature private bathrooms... view more
$US 60
Hotel Hotel ArtigasHotel Artigas

Minas de Corrales
In a ranch-inspired property surrounded by a 300 metre landscaped garden with palm trees and a swimming pool in Uruguay, the hotel offers homely-style summer house décor. Wi-Fi is free... view more
$US 57
Hotel San GregorioSan Gregorio

San Gregorio de Polanco
In the quiet summer village of Polanco, 1 block from the bus station, the hotel boasts an artistic hand-painted facade and air-conditioned rooms with a rustic style. San Gregorio offers a charming red-tiled patio decorated with potted plants... view more
$US 25
More Hotels »

Melo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Melo and its surroundings.

Melo Page

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