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Durazno Administration
Durazno Post code | 97000 |
Durazno Demography
Information on the people and the population of Durazno.
Durazno Population | 55,000 inhabitants |
Durazno Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Durazno.
Durazno Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -33.3833, Longitude: -56.5167 33° 22′ 60″ South, 56° 31′ 0″ West |
Durazno Altitude | 68 m (223 ft) |
Durazno Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Durazno and the biggest cities of Uruguay.
Montevideo 170 km | Salto 260 km | Ciudad de la Costa 168 km |
Maldonado 222 km | Rivera 291 km | Paysandú 188 km |
Las Piedras 151 km | Tacuarembó 192 km | Melo 246 km |
Minas 161 km | Mercedes 142 km closest | Artigas 325 km |
Durazno Map
Locate simply the city of Durazno through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Durazno Nearby cities and villages
Santa Bernardina 3.7 km | Ombúes de Oribe 17.8 km | Goñi 18.1 km |
Durazno Zone
Time zone of Durazno.
Durazno Local time | |
Durazno Time zone | UTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo) Summer time UTC -3:00 Winter time UTC -2:00 |
Durazno Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Durazno.
Durazno Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Durazno.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
19 January | 09:56 - 16:56 - 23:57 | 09:28 - 00:25 | 08:54 - 00:58 | 08:18 - 01:35 |
20 January | 09:57 - 16:57 - 23:57 | 09:29 - 00:24 | 08:56 - 00:58 | 08:20 - 01:34 |
21 January | 09:58 - 16:57 - 23:56 | 09:30 - 00:24 | 08:57 - 00:57 | 08:21 - 01:33 |
22 January | 09:59 - 16:57 - 23:56 | 09:31 - 00:23 | 08:58 - 00:57 | 08:22 - 01:32 |
23 January | 10:00 - 16:57 - 23:55 | 09:32 - 00:23 | 08:59 - 00:56 | 08:23 - 01:31 |
24 January | 10:01 - 16:58 - 23:55 | 09:33 - 00:22 | 09:00 - 00:55 | 08:25 - 01:31 |
25 January | 10:02 - 16:58 - 23:54 | 09:34 - 00:21 | 09:01 - 00:55 | 08:26 - 01:30 |
Durazno Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Durazno classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Santa Cristina Durazno This elegant country ranch estate in Durazno offers a swimming pool, massage sessions and a living room with a fireplace. Rooms have undisturbed garden views. Wi-Fi is free... view more | from $US 100 | |
Gran Hotel Flores Trinidad Located in the city centre, right in front of Constitution square, Gran Hotel Flores offers free Wi-Fi and breakfast in Trinidad. An outdoor swimming pool and a restaurant are featured on site... view more | from $US 50 | |
Estancia Hosteria El Ceibo Florida Horse riding, bird-watching and contact with farm animals can be enjoyed in this traditional gaucho inspired ranch house with a fireplace, in full Pampa plains style. There is free Wi-Fi... view more | ||
Estancia Finca Piedra Mal Abrigo Set in a privileged natural environment in the Uruguayan Pampas, this ranch-style house offers a swimming pool with a jacuzzi and free Wi-Fi in public areas. Horse-riding trips and massage sessions are available... view more | from $US 340 | |
Estancia Don Miguel Cufré Set in a quiet natural environment 6 km off Pueblo Cufré, Don Miguel offers ranch-style accommodation with free Wi-Fi. There is a natural water pool during the summer and guests can visit a dairy farm or go on horse-riding trips... view more | from $US 90 | |
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Durazno Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Durazno and its surroundings.
Durazno Page
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