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Salto Administration
Salto Post code | 50000 |
Salto Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Salto? Here are all the details of Salto available below.
Salto Phone number | Not available |
Salto Email address | Not available |
Salto Website | |
Other information | Municipios de Uruguay : Salto |
Salto Birth certificate, Salto Death certificate |
Salto Demography
Information on the people and the population of Salto.
Salto Population | 104,028 inhabitants |
Salto Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Salto.
Salto Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -31.3883, Longitude: -57.9606 31° 23′ 18″ South, 57° 57′ 38″ West |
Salto Altitude | 54 m (177 ft) |
Salto Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Salto and the biggest cities of Uruguay.
Montevideo 423 km | Ciudad de la Costa 425 km | Maldonado 481 km |
Rivera 236 km | Paysandú 104 km closest | Las Piedras 405 km |
Durazno 260 km | Tacuarembó 191 km | Melo 373 km |
Minas 418 km | Mercedes 207 km | Artigas 176 km |
Salto Map
Locate simply the city of Salto through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Salto Nearby cities and villages
Arenitas Blancas 5.1 km | Concordia 5.4 km | Termas del Daymán 8.6 km |
Colonia 18 de Julio 8.9 km | Yuquerí 15.1 km | Colonia Roca 15.2 km |
Puerto Yerua 16.8 km | San Antonio 18.9 km | La Criolla 19.4 km |
Salto Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Salto has international agreements with its different pairings.
Salto Zone
Time zone of Salto.
Salto Local time | |
Salto Time zone | UTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo) Summer time UTC -3:00 Winter time UTC -2:00 |
Salto Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Salto.
Salto Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Salto.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
18 January | 10:05 - 17:02 - 23:59 | 09:38 - 00:26 | 09:05 - 00:58 | 08:31 - 01:33 |
19 January | 10:06 - 17:02 - 23:58 | 09:39 - 00:25 | 09:06 - 00:58 | 08:32 - 01:33 |
20 January | 10:07 - 17:02 - 23:58 | 09:40 - 00:25 | 09:08 - 00:57 | 08:33 - 01:32 |
21 January | 10:08 - 17:03 - 23:58 | 09:41 - 00:24 | 09:09 - 00:57 | 08:34 - 01:31 |
22 January | 10:09 - 17:03 - 23:57 | 09:42 - 00:24 | 09:10 - 00:56 | 08:35 - 01:31 |
23 January | 10:10 - 17:03 - 23:57 | 09:43 - 00:24 | 09:11 - 00:56 | 08:37 - 01:30 |
24 January | 10:11 - 17:04 - 23:56 | 09:44 - 00:23 | 09:12 - 00:55 | 08:38 - 01:29 |
Salto Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Salto classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Salto Hotel y Casino Salto Featuring a pool, a fitness centre, a casino and a restaurant, Salto Hotel y Casino offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and plasma TVs in Salto. Free parking is provided. Artigas Main Square is 15 metres away... view more | from $US 95 | |
Hotel Tia Salto Right in front of the Museum of Man and Technology, Hotel Tia offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and air conditioning in Salto. It features a garden with BBQ facilities. Larrañaga Theatre is 200 metres away... view more | from $US 48 | |
Hotel Danaly Salto Located in front of Midlan Train Station, Hotel Danaly offers free Wi-Fi and free parking in Salto. All rooms feature private bathrooms and TVs. Housekeeping service is included... view more | from $US 34 | |
Hotel Español Salto Salto Comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi can be enjoyed only 300 metres from Artigas Square in Salto. Private parking is free and the hotel is only 100 metres from the town’s main street... view more | from $US 75 | |
Gran Hotel Uruguay Salto Located 100 metres from Uruguay Commercial Street and 200 metres from Artigas Square, this hotel offers free Wi-Fi and Continental breakfast. Guests are offered free access to Salto Grande Water Park... view more | from $US 49 | |
More Hotels » |
Salto Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Salto and its surroundings.
Salto Page
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