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  11. Salto


Salto Localisation : Country Uruguay, Department Salto.
Available Information : Website, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Arenitas Blancas, Concordia and Termas del Daymán.


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Salto Administration

Salto Post code50000

Salto Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Salto? Here are all the details of Salto available below.

Salto Phone numberNot available
Salto Email addressNot available
Salto Websitewww.salto.gub.uy/
Other informationMunicipios de Uruguay : Salto
Salto Birth certificate, Salto Death certificate

Salto Demography

Information on the people and the population of Salto.

Salto Population104,028 inhabitants

Salto Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Salto.

Salto Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -31.3883, Longitude: -57.9606
31° 23′ 18″ South, 57° 57′ 38″ West
Salto Altitude54 m (177 ft)

Salto Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Salto and the biggest cities of Uruguay.

Montevideo 423 kmCiudad de la Costa 425 kmMaldonado 481 km
Rivera 236 kmPaysandú 104 km closestLas Piedras 405 km
Durazno 260 kmTacuarembó 191 kmMelo 373 km
Minas 418 kmMercedes 207 kmArtigas 176 km

Salto Map

Locate simply the city of Salto through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Salto Nearby cities and villages

Salto Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Salto has international agreements with its different pairings.

Salto Zone

Time zone of Salto.

Salto Local time
Salto Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo)
Summer time UTC -3:00
Winter time UTC -2:00

Salto Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Salto.

Salto Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Salto.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
18 January10:05 - 17:02 - 23:5909:38 - 00:2609:05 - 00:58 08:31 - 01:33
19 January10:06 - 17:02 - 23:5809:39 - 00:2509:06 - 00:58 08:32 - 01:33
20 January10:07 - 17:02 - 23:5809:40 - 00:2509:08 - 00:57 08:33 - 01:32
21 January10:08 - 17:03 - 23:5809:41 - 00:2409:09 - 00:57 08:34 - 01:31
22 January10:09 - 17:03 - 23:5709:42 - 00:2409:10 - 00:56 08:35 - 01:31
23 January10:10 - 17:03 - 23:5709:43 - 00:2409:11 - 00:56 08:37 - 01:30
24 January10:11 - 17:04 - 23:5609:44 - 00:2309:12 - 00:55 08:38 - 01:29

Salto Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Salto classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Salto Hotel y CasinoSalto Hotel y Casino

Featuring a pool, a fitness centre, a casino and a restaurant, Salto Hotel y Casino offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and plasma TVs in Salto. Free parking is provided. Artigas Main Square is 15 metres away... view more
$US 95
Hotel Hotel TiaHotel Tia

Right in front of the Museum of Man and Technology, Hotel Tia offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and air conditioning in Salto. It features a garden with BBQ facilities. Larrañaga Theatre is 200 metres away... view more
$US 48
Hotel Hotel DanalyHotel Danaly

Located in front of Midlan Train Station, Hotel Danaly offers free Wi-Fi and free parking in Salto. All rooms feature private bathrooms and TVs. Housekeeping service is included... view more
$US 34
Hotel Hotel Español SaltoHotel Español Salto

Comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi can be enjoyed only 300 metres from Artigas Square in Salto. Private parking is free and the hotel is only 100 metres from the town’s main street... view more
$US 75
Hotel Gran Hotel UruguayGran Hotel Uruguay

Located 100 metres from Uruguay Commercial Street and 200 metres from Artigas Square, this hotel offers free Wi-Fi and Continental breakfast. Guests are offered free access to Salto Grande Water Park... view more
$US 49
More Hotels »

Salto Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Salto and its surroundings.

Salto Page

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