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Arenitas Blancas Demography
Information on the people and the population of Arenitas Blancas.
Arenitas Blancas Population | 155 inhabitants |
Arenitas Blancas Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Arenitas Blancas.
Arenitas Blancas Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -31.4167, Longitude: -58.0025 31° 25′ 0″ South, 58° 0′ 9″ West |
Arenitas Blancas Altitude | 27 m (89 ft) |
Arenitas Blancas Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Arenitas Blancas and the biggest cities of Uruguay.
Montevideo 422 km | Salto 5 km closest | Ciudad de la Costa 424 km |
Maldonado 481 km | Rivera 240 km | Paysandú 101 km |
Las Piedras 403 km | Durazno 260 km | Tacuarembó 194 km |
Melo 376 km | Minas 418 km | Mercedes 204 km |
Arenitas Blancas Map
Locate simply the city of Arenitas Blancas through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Arenitas Blancas Nearby cities and villages
Concordia 3.1 km | Salto 5.1 km | Termas del Daymán 9.7 km |
Yuquerí 11.7 km | Puerto Yerua 12.8 km | Colonia Roca 13.6 km |
Colonia 18 de Julio 13.8 km | Estancia Grande 17.5 km | La Criolla 19.3 km |
Arenitas Blancas Zone
Time zone of Arenitas Blancas.
Arenitas Blancas Local time | |
Arenitas Blancas Time zone | UTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo) Summer time UTC -3:00 Winter time UTC -2:00 |
Arenitas Blancas Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Arenitas Blancas.
Arenitas Blancas Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Arenitas Blancas.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
3 October | 11:26 - 17:40 - 23:55 | 11:01 - 00:19 | 10:33 - 00:48 | 10:04 - 01:17 |
4 October | 11:24 - 17:40 - 23:56 | 11:00 - 00:20 | 10:31 - 00:49 | 10:02 - 01:18 |
5 October | 11:23 - 17:40 - 23:56 | 10:59 - 00:21 | 10:30 - 00:49 | 10:01 - 01:19 |
6 October | 11:22 - 17:39 - 23:57 | 10:58 - 00:21 | 10:29 - 00:50 | 09:59 - 01:19 |
7 October | 11:21 - 17:39 - 23:58 | 10:56 - 00:22 | 10:27 - 00:51 | 09:58 - 01:20 |
8 October | 11:20 - 17:39 - 23:58 | 10:55 - 00:23 | 10:26 - 00:52 | 09:57 - 01:21 |
9 October | 11:18 - 17:39 - 23:59 | 10:54 - 00:23 | 10:25 - 00:52 | 09:55 - 01:22 |
Arenitas Blancas Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Arenitas Blancas classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel El Dorado Salto Located in central Salto, only 200 metres from 33 Orientales Square, Hotel Eldorado offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and cable TV. Breakfast and free parking are provided. Uruguay River is 600 metres away... view more | from $US 70 | |
ART Hotel DECO Salto Only 500 metres from the Uruguay River Boulevard, ART Hotel DECO offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and plasma TVs in Salto. It features a sauna and a fitness centre, and breakfast and free parking are provided. Dayman Thermal Waters are 14 km away... view more | from $US 120 | |
Hotel Los Cedros Salto Located 15 metres from Treinta y Tres square and 450 metres from Artigas square, Hotel Los Cedros offers free Wi-Fi and buffet breakfast in Salto. A business centre and a computer are available for guest use... view more | from $US 44 | |
Gran Hotel Concordia Salto Comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered only 200 metres from Treinta y Tres Square in Salto. A daily continental breakfast is offered and private parking is free... view more | ||
Gran Hotel Uruguay Salto Located 100 metres from Uruguay Commercial Street and 200 metres from Artigas Square, this hotel offers free Wi-Fi and Continental breakfast. Guests are offered free access to Salto Grande Water Park... view more | from $US 49 | |
More Hotels » |
Arenitas Blancas Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Arenitas Blancas and its surroundings.
Arenitas Blancas Page
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---|---| | Arenitas Blancas /5 (2021-04-08 13:03:27) |