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Sauce Localisation : Country Uruguay, Department Canelones.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Suárez, Toledo and Pando.


Find all the information of Sauce or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Sauce Administration

Sauce MayorAlberto Giannatasio

Sauce Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Sauce? Here are all the details of Sauce available below.

Sauce Postal addressMontevideo 2200 esquina Coronel Peiran
Sauce Phone number22940725
Sauce Email address[email protected]
Sauce Websitesauce.imcanelones.gub.uy
Other informationMunicipios de Uruguay : Sauce
Sauce Birth certificate, Sauce Death certificate

Sauce Demography

Information on the people and the population of Sauce.

Sauce Population13,019 inhabitants
Sauce Population Density44.0 /km² (114.0 /sq mi)

Sauce Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Sauce.

Sauce Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -34.6469, Longitude: -56.0628
34° 38′ 49″ South, 56° 3′ 46″ West
Sauce Area29,590 hectares
295.90 km² (114.25 sq mi)
Sauce Altitude54 m (177 ft)

Sauce Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Sauce and the biggest cities of Uruguay.

Montevideo 28 kmSalto 404 kmCiudad de la Costa 22 km
Maldonado 105 kmRivera 420 kmPaysandú 319 km
Las Piedras 16 km closestDurazno 147 kmTacuarembó 327 km
Melo 308 kmMinas 82 kmMercedes 239 km

Sauce Map

Locate simply the city of Sauce through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Sauce Nearby cities and villages

Suárez 9.9 kmToledo 11.4 kmPando 12.3 km
Barros Blancos 13.1 kmProgreso 14.5 km18 de Mayo 15.1 km
Las Piedras 16.1 kmEmpalme Olmos 16.4 kmSanta Rosa 16.6 km
Nicolich 19.2 kmLa Paz Municipality 19.5 km

Sauce Zone

Time zone of Sauce.

Sauce Local time
Sauce Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo)
Summer time UTC -3:00
Winter time UTC -2:00

Sauce Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Sauce.

Sauce Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Sauce.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
7 January09:40 - 16:50 - 00:0109:11 - 00:3008:35 - 01:05 07:56 - 01:44
8 January09:41 - 16:51 - 00:0109:12 - 00:3008:36 - 01:05 07:57 - 01:44
9 January09:42 - 16:51 - 00:0109:13 - 00:2908:37 - 01:05 07:58 - 01:44
10 January09:42 - 16:51 - 00:0009:14 - 00:2908:38 - 01:05 08:00 - 01:43
11 January09:43 - 16:52 - 00:0009:15 - 00:2908:39 - 01:04 08:01 - 01:43
12 January09:44 - 16:52 - 00:0009:16 - 00:2908:40 - 01:04 08:02 - 01:42
13 January09:45 - 16:53 - 00:0009:17 - 00:2908:41 - 01:04 08:03 - 01:42

Sauce Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Sauce classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Regency Zonamerica HotelRegency Zonamerica Hotel

Regency Zonamerica is set in Montevideo´s exclusive Jacksonville district. It offers elegant rooms with modern amenities, featuring an outdoor pool, spa and restaurant. Accommodation includes free Wi-Fi and parking... view more
$US 112
Hotel Costa RoomsCosta Rooms
Ciudad de la Costa
Located 50 metres from El Pinar Beach, Costa Rooms offers self-catering accommodation with free Wi-Fi in Montevideo. A fitness centre and a garden are featured. El Pinar commercial centre is a 2-minute drive away... view more
$US 320
Hotel Sagitario IISagitario II
Ciudad de la Costa
This fully furnished house surrounded by garden is located only 500 metres from Shangrilá Beach in Ciudad de la Costa. Montevideo City is 15 km away. Wi-Fi is free. Sagitario II will provide you with a TV and a seating area... view more
$US 60
Hotel Sagitario ISagitario I
Ciudad de la Costa
A fully furnished 3-bedroom house with a garden is offered in a quiet area of Canelones. Shangrila Beach is 500 metres away. Montevideo is a 30-minute drive away, whereas Punta del Este is 100 km from Sagitario I. Atlantida is 30 km away... view more
$US 75
Hotel Hostería del LagoHostería del Lago

An outdoor swimming pool and an extensive garden with access to the lake can be enjoyed in Carrasco, 300 metres from Geant Mall and 2 km from the beach. Wi-Fi and private parking are free... view more
$US 110
More Hotels »

Sauce Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Sauce and its surroundings.

Sauce Page

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