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Trinidad Administration
Trinidad Post code | 85000 |
Trinidad Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Trinidad? Here are all the details of Trinidad available below.
Trinidad Phone number | Not available |
Trinidad Email address | Not available |
Trinidad Website | |
Other information | Municipios de Uruguay : Trinidad |
Trinidad Birth certificate, Trinidad Death certificate |
Trinidad Demography
Information on the people and the population of Trinidad.
Trinidad Population | 21,429 inhabitants |
Trinidad Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Trinidad.
Trinidad Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -33.5333, Longitude: -56.8833 33° 31′ 60″ South, 56° 52′ 60″ West |
Trinidad Altitude | 135 m (443 ft) |
Trinidad Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Trinidad and the biggest cities of Uruguay.
Montevideo 164 km | Salto 259 km | Ciudad de la Costa 167 km |
Maldonado 234 km | Rivera 319 km | Paysandú 175 km |
Las Piedras 145 km | Durazno 38 km closest | Tacuarembó 219 km |
Melo 284 km | Minas 178 km | Mercedes 111 km |
Trinidad Map
Locate simply the city of Trinidad through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Trinidad Nearby cities and villages
Juan José Castro 13.6 km | La Casilla 16.4 km |
Trinidad Zone
Time zone of Trinidad.
Trinidad Local time | |
Trinidad Time zone | UTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo) Summer time UTC -3:00 Winter time UTC -2:00 |
Trinidad Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Trinidad.
Trinidad Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Trinidad.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
8 January | 09:47 - 16:54 - 00:01 | 09:18 - 00:29 | 08:43 - 01:04 | 08:06 - 01:42 |
9 January | 09:48 - 16:54 - 00:01 | 09:19 - 00:29 | 08:44 - 01:04 | 08:07 - 01:42 |
10 January | 09:48 - 16:55 - 00:01 | 09:20 - 00:29 | 08:45 - 01:04 | 08:08 - 01:41 |
11 January | 09:49 - 16:55 - 00:01 | 09:21 - 00:29 | 08:47 - 01:04 | 08:09 - 01:41 |
12 January | 09:50 - 16:55 - 00:01 | 09:22 - 00:29 | 08:48 - 01:03 | 08:10 - 01:41 |
13 January | 09:51 - 16:56 - 00:01 | 09:23 - 00:29 | 08:49 - 01:03 | 08:12 - 01:40 |
14 January | 09:52 - 16:56 - 00:00 | 09:24 - 00:28 | 08:50 - 01:03 | 08:13 - 01:40 |
Trinidad Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Trinidad classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Gran Hotel Flores Trinidad Located in the city centre, right in front of Constitution square, Gran Hotel Flores offers free Wi-Fi and breakfast in Trinidad. An outdoor swimming pool and a restaurant are featured on site... view more | from $US 50 | |
Hotel Santa Cristina Durazno This elegant country ranch estate in Durazno offers a swimming pool, massage sessions and a living room with a fireplace. Rooms have undisturbed garden views. Wi-Fi is free... view more | from $US 100 | |
Estancia Finca Piedra Mal Abrigo Set in a privileged natural environment in the Uruguayan Pampas, this ranch-style house offers a swimming pool with a jacuzzi and free Wi-Fi in public areas. Horse-riding trips and massage sessions are available... view more | from $US 340 | |
Estancia Don Miguel Cufré Set in a quiet natural environment 6 km off Pueblo Cufré, Don Miguel offers ranch-style accommodation with free Wi-Fi. There is a natural water pool during the summer and guests can visit a dairy farm or go on horse-riding trips... view more | from $US 90 | |
Estancia Hosteria El Ceibo Florida Horse riding, bird-watching and contact with farm animals can be enjoyed in this traditional gaucho inspired ranch house with a fireplace, in full Pampa plains style. There is free Wi-Fi... view more | ||
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Trinidad Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Trinidad and its surroundings.
Trinidad Page
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